Podcast Episode 128. Mastering Dog Obedience at Any Distance

In this week’s exploration on Found it, Fetched it, we tackle a subject close to many dog owners’ hearts: why do our dogs act perfectly when close but turn a deaf ear when distance is involved? I had the pleasure of discussing this complex issue of distance with LWDG Group Expert Claire Denyer,  to unravel the mysteries of canine behaviour from near and far.

Podcast Edition:

The Challenge of Distance in Dog Training

“Dogs can behave perfectly well when they’re near us but become seemingly oblivious to commands at a distance,” Claire begins. This common challenge is something many of our members face and is a multifaceted issue depending on whether a dog is too clingy or overly independent.

Dealing with Clingy Dogs Who Won’t Work at Distance

For the velcro dogs that never want to leave your side, establishing a command like stay or a stop whistle at a distance can be particularly tough. “These dogs have what might be seen as visual separation anxiety. They struggle with staying away because they’re unsure about being separated from their handlers,” Claire explains. The solution? “Build the duration of stay gradually before introducing more space between you and your dog. Ensure they’re comfortable with the shorter distance first.”

Addressing Overly Independent Dogs Who Ignore At Distance

Conversely, dogs that cherish their independence might ignore commands when out of arm’s reach. “They don’t see the value in responding to a distant call,” says Claire. To counter this, she recommends starting with smaller distances, using plenty of positive reinforcements, and only gradually increasing the separation as your dog learns that listening pays off, even from afar.

Continues below….


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The Impact of Environmental Distractions On Distance

Distractions such as intriguing smells or a new environment can make training at distances harder. Claire stresses the importance of consistency and repetition: “Help your dog focus amidst distractions by reinforcing commands and using cues effectively. It’s all about making your instructions clear and rewarding enough to trump the environmental lures.”

Knowing When to Get Help

Sometimes, despite best efforts, professional help may be needed, especially when simple corrections fail to address the behaviour effectively. “It’s important to find a trainer who looks beyond the symptoms to the underlying causes of your dog’s behaviour,” advises Claire. This approach ensures that solutions are not just temporary fixes but are tailored to foster long-term behavioural improvements.

Words of Encouragement

Claire wrapped up our discussion with some motivating advice: “Training isn’t just about increasing the physical distance but also about building trust and understanding between you and your dog.” She encourages all dog owners to be patient, to celebrate small victories, and to see each training session as an opportunity to strengthen their bond.

This enlightening conversation has been a treasure trove of strategies for anyone looking to enhance their dog’s obedience, regardless of the proximity. Whether your canine companion clings like a shadow or prefers a bit more independence, understanding and adjusting your training approach can make a world of difference.

Listen to the full podcast episode here!

What’s Your Gundog Goddess Style?

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Podcast Episode 127. Lure Training-Tool or Trap?

Welcome to the subtle art of lure training, where a simple treat can pave the way for advanced dog obedience or set the stage for training challenges. “Lure training, when done right, can transform an energetic puppy into a model of good behaviour,” shares Samantha Thornycroft-Taylor, an expert from the Ladies Working Dog Group, while talking to LWDG Founder Jo Perrott. However, she cautions, “It’s a fine line between a helpful tool and a potential bribe.” Today on our podcast, we explore this popular training method, discussing why it’s favoured by trainers globally and how to avoid the common pitfalls that can turn useful lures into obstacles. Join us as we decode the complexities of using lures effectively, ensuring your puppy’s training is as solid as the bond you share.

Podcast Episode:

Introduction to Lure Training

Lure training is a fundamental technique in dog training, particularly effective with puppies. It taps into their natural instinct to follow by using incentives like treats to guide them into desired behaviours. Samantha Thornycroft-Taylor, from the Ladies Working Dog Group, emphasizes its dual nature: “It starts as a fun, engaging way to teach basics but can become a problem if misused.”

The Benefits of Lure Training

Using lures effectively sets a positive atmosphere for young dogs. Samantha illustrates, “With luring, training sessions are like exciting games. For example, guiding a puppy into a heel position with food initially outlines the desired behaviour in an enjoyable way.” This approach not only captures the puppy’s attention but also seamlessly instills basic commands.

Common Pitfalls: When Lures Become Bribes

The shift from lures as tools to bribes is gradual but significant. Samantha shares a cautionary story: “A dog I trained began to obey commands only when he saw food. This dependency turned the training tool into a bribe, weakening his obedience when the lure was not visible.” This example underscores the vital need to phase out lures appropriately.

Best Practices for Fading Out Lures

Phasing out lures involves gradually making them less visible and less frequent. Samantha advises, “Start by concealing the lure during commands. Use it unpredictably, and eventually replace it with verbal cues and alternative rewards like praise or toys, which Benny adapted well to after consistent practice.”

Understanding Your Dog’s Learning Style

Recognising and adapting to your dog’s individual learning preferences is crucial. Samantha explains, “Like children, each dog learns differently. For instance, some may prefer toys over food as lures. Identifying these preferences early on helps customize a training approach that is both effective and enjoyable.”

Psychological Parallels: Training Dogs and Raising Children

Jo draws parallels between training dogs and parenting, “Just as we sometimes bribe children with sweets to leave the park peacefully, we might use treats to encourage puppies to behave. However, moving to self-motivation is essential for long-term obedience.” These insights emphasise the similarities in shaping behaviour across species.

Conclusion: Mastering Lure Training

In conclusion, although lure training starts as a dynamic and effective method to instil basic behaviours in puppies, its true mastery doesn’t just lie in its application but in knowing when to move beyond it. Samantha Thornycroft-Taylor beautifully highlighted this balance, reminding us that the ultimate goal is for a dog to respond out of respect and trust, rather than just for a fleeting treat. This progression from dependence on physical lures to reliance on verbal commands and mutual respect is not just about training dogs—it’s about nurturing a relationship that respects and understands the animal’s intelligence and natural instincts.

Just as Samantha pointed out, “It’s a fine line between a helpful tool and a potential bribe.” As trainers and dog lovers, our challenge is to use lure training not as a crutch but as a stepping stone towards deeper understanding and stronger bonds. Whether you’re a new dog owner or an experienced trainer, the effectiveness of your training depends not just on the techniques you use but also on your ability to adapt and grow with your furry companion.

Engage with Us Further

Listen to our podcast, Found It, Fetched It, where we dive deeper into practical training strategies and share stories that help you connect with your dog on a deeper level. Your journey towards becoming a skilled dog trainer starts here—filled with hope, guided by expertise, and inspired by countless success stories.

Call to Action

Have questions or want more guidance on lure training? Listen to our latest episode of Found It, Fetched It, featuring discussions with experts and special guests. Tune in now and join the conversation by submitting your questions and comments!

What techniques have you found most effective for phasing out lures in your training routines? Share your tips and tricks with our community!

The Ultimate Guide to Homemade Dog Treats

As dog owners, we want to ensure our dogs are getting the best- and the cost of the best treats has risen with everything else.

So why make homemade dog treats?

How can we give our dogs the best but be budget-conscious? One way we can do this is by making homemade dog treats for them. Not only does this allow us to control the ingredients, but it also allows us to customise the recipes to cater to our pets’ preferences.

In this guide, we will share some basic recipes for delicious and nutritious dog treats that your dog will love.

A huge thank you to Debbie Allery for putting this blog together for us and sharing these amazing recipes.

Getting Started With Your Dog Treat Recipe

The first step in making homemade dog treats is blending the meat. This can be a bit tough on blenders, so if you don’t have a high-powered one, it’s best to chop the meat into smaller pieces and blend it in small batches. The meat can be a mix of liver, heart, lung, or kidneys.

The general rule of thumb is to weigh the meat and add an equal amount of flour. You can use self-raising or plain flour, oats, or a mix of all. Add two to three eggs and a splash of milk to bind the ingredients together.

If the mixture is too dry, add more liquid. If it’s too wet, add more flour. Once the mixture has a good consistency, pour it into a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper and bake until cooked through.

To check if it’s cooked, use a skewer to poke the centre. If it comes out clean, your dog treat is ready.

Fish Cake Dog Treat Recipe

The fish cake recipe features a blend of pilchards in tomato sauce and tuna.

To make this, you’ll need:

  • Large (400g) tin of pilchards in tomato sauce
  • Large (200g) tin of tuna
  • Oz Plain flour or oats
  • 2 eggs

This mix can be quite wet, so consider adding more flour or cooking it a bit longer if necessary.

Liver Cake Recipes

Liver cake is a hit among many dogs. For both recipes, blend the liver and mix in the other ingredients until you get a thick paste. Bake at a low heat of 100 – 150 for an hour or until the cake is solid. Once baked, it can last for 3-4 days in the fridge or can be frozen.

Here are two variations you can try:

Liver Cake #1

  • Large pack of pig liver
  • Kidney and heart (optional)
  • 4oz plain flour or oats
  • 2 eggs

Liver Cake #2

  • 1lb (450g) lamb or ox liver
  • 1lb (450g) self-raising flour
  • 3 eggs
  • Milk or water


Crack eggs into a jug add an equal volume of milk or water and whisk.
Blend offal in a food processor
Add egg mixture and flour. Blend to a sponge cake mix consistency
Empty contents into a greased baking tray. Bake at 180 degrees (350F) for 35–40 mins. Allow to cool and divide.

Chicken and Carrot Cake

This dog treat recipe is a great way to incorporate vegetables into your pet’s diet. For this, you’ll need:

  • 2 Chicken Fillets
  • One Carrot, Chopped
  • 60z Plain Flour or Oats
  • 2 Eggs


A good strong blender
Blend all ingredients, fresh garlic and turmeric can also be added. Flour/oats quantities are approximate mixture should be a thick paste.

Cook on low heat, 100 – 150 for an hour or until the cake is solid. Once baked it will last for 3-4 days in the fridge, but can be frozen. (Freeze on a baking sheet, then you can break up into bags and containers, and they won’t stick in one big lump!)

Treats In A Silicone Mould

trears added to a silicoune mould for dog treats

If you have a silicone mould, you can also make treats using:

  • Tin of sardines
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 Weetabix

Mix these together and bake at 180 for 25/30 minutes.

Energy Balls

These energy balls are a good carb dog treat alternative for dogs that may be sensitive to wheat or grains. Oatmeal contains Vitamin B and linoleic acid, which are good for your pet’s coat and skin. To make these, you’ll need:

  • 1 cup of oats
  • ½ cup dog-friendly peanut butter
  • ¼ mashed banana
  • ¼ cup apple
  • 2 tbsp honey

Mash together the peanut butter, banana, and honey. Add the oatmeal and apple, then stir to combine. Roll the mixture into small balls and serve.

Remember, treats should be factored in as part of your pet’s daily food allowance, so other meals should be reduced accordingly.

With these recipes, you can now treat your dog to some homemade, nutritious, and delicious treats.

Happy cooking!

You can download these recipes here

Podcast Episode 126 – When Your Dog’s Behaviour Feels Out Of Control …

In the realm of dog training, it’s a universal truth that every pet owner will, at some point, feel like they’re at their wits’ end. The scenario is all too common: one minute, your beloved dog is the epitome of obedience, and the next, they’re off chasing a squirrel into the sunset, leaving you shouting futile commands into the void. It’s moments like these that Jo Perrott and Claire Denyer address in their insightful podcast episode, where they delve deep into the signs and solutions of a dog’s behaviour spiralling out of control.

Podcast Episode:

The Subtle Signs Before the Storm

Jo and Claire begin by highlighting a critical, yet often overlooked, aspect of dog training: recognising the early signs of disobedience. It’s easy to miss the small moments of regression at home or in the garden, dismissing them as harmless or one-off incidents.

Yet, it’s these minor oversights, like a failed recall in the garden deemed safe because it’s enclosed, that gradually accumulate and lead to significant behavioural issues. The podcast emphasises the importance of paying attention to these early warning signs, as they’re the key to preventing a full-blown canine rebellion.

Essential Insights for First-Time Dog Owners

For many first-time dog owners, the learning curve can be steep. Jo and Claire’s discussion sheds light on crucial insights that can ease this journey. They talk about the importance of understanding whether you’re in the learning, proofing, or trained response phase with your dog. Each stage requires a different approach, from setting up your dog for success in the learning phase to gradually increasing the three Ds—distance, duration, and distraction—during the proofing phase. Recognising which phase you’re in is vital to effective training and avoiding common pitfalls.


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Consistency is Key

A recurring theme throughout the podcast is the importance of consistency. Jo and Claire provide vivid examples of how seemingly benign behaviours at home, like failing to enforce a stay command, can undermine training efforts. They stress the need for dog owners to be consistent in their commands and to follow through every time. This consistency helps prevent the formation of bad habits that can be challenging to break.

Understanding and Addressing Behavioural Issues

The podcast doesn’t just identify problems; it offers solutions. Recognising your role in your dog’s behaviour is the first step. But it’s also about reinforcing the right behaviours through consistency, rather than adopting a strict or punitive approach.

If issues like recall problems arise, Jo and Claire advise taking a step back to analyse the situation. This might involve considering environmental factors, revisiting earlier training stages, or simply being more mindful of how behaviours at home could be affecting your dog’s obedience.

Empathy, Patience, and a Sense of Humor

Perhaps the most valuable lesson from the podcast is the importance of approaching dog training with empathy, patience, and even a sense of humour. Dogs are not humans; they’re a different species with their own perceptions and reactions to the world around them. Mistakes are part of the learning process, for both the dog and the owner. Holding grudges or taking misbehaviour personally only hinders progress. Instead, embracing each challenge with a positive attitude and learning from it can strengthen the bond between you and your dog, making training a more enjoyable and rewarding experience.

A Final Thought

In wrapping up their discussion, Jo and Claire remind us that dog training is a journey filled with ups and downs. It’s about setting intentions, being mindful, and constantly learning from each interaction with your canine companion.

Whether you’re dealing with a stubborn puppy or an older dog set in their ways, the insights from this podcast can guide you towards a more harmonious and understanding relationship with your pet.

In the world of dog training, knowledge is power, and empathy is your best tool. So next time you find yourself struggling with your dog’s behaviour, remember the lessons from this podcast.

With the right approach, patience, and a bit of humour, you can navigate even the most difficult of training challenges.

What’s Your Gundog Goddess Style?

Who’s ready for some extra fun? Discover your unique approach to training with our “Which Gundog Goddess Are You?” quiz. You don’t want to miss this one

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Podcast Episode 125 – A Voice For Sustainable Shooting

Welcome back to another captivating episode of “Found It, Fetched It”! In this week’s installment, titled “A Voice For Sustainable Shooting,” we have the privilege of hosting the remarkable Angela Charlton. Angela’s journey is a testament to the power of passion and advocacy in the realm of wildlife conservation and responsible outdoor pursuits. Join us as we delve into her inspiring story and gain insights into the intersection of working dogs, conservation, and sustainable shooting practices.

What We Discuss:

  1. Angela’s Journey: From Wildlife Art to Conservation Advocacy
  2. The Role of Working Dogs in Angela’s Life and Mission
  3. Advocating for Responsible Land Stewardship and Sustainable Shooting Practices

Podcast Edition:

Angela’s Journey: From Wildlife Art to Conservation Advocacy:

Angela Charlton’s passion for wildlife and the great outdoors was instilled in her from a young age, thanks to her father’s influence and encouragement of outdoor pursuits. We’ll explore how her background in wildlife art evolved into a career dedicated to environmental education and community engagement, culminating in her current role as Director of Ramblers Wales.


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The Role of Working Dogs in Angela’s Life and Mission

From childhood, Angela was immersed in the world of working dogs, accompanying her father on training days and developing a deep appreciation for these noble companions. We’ll uncover how her love for working dogs intertwines with her advocacy for access to the outdoors and conservation efforts, shaping her mission to promote responsible land stewardship.

Advocating for Responsible Land Stewardship and Sustainable Shooting Practices

As Director of Ramblers Wales, Angela tirelessly advocates for maintaining public footpaths and engages communities in outdoor access. We’ll examine her efforts to challenge misconceptions surrounding shooting, highlighting the importance of education in understanding the sustainability roles of well-managed shoots. Angela’s nomination to the BASC board and her goals to improve best practices will also be explored, shedding light on the necessity of diverse perspectives in policymaking.

Final Thoughts…

In conclusion, Angela Charlton’s journey serves as a beacon of inspiration for those passionate about conservation, working dogs, and sustainable outdoor pursuits. Through her advocacy and dedication, she exemplifies the transformative power of combining passion with purpose. As we reflect on her insights into responsible land stewardship and the harmonious relationship between humans, animals, and nature, we’re reminded of the importance of preserving our natural heritage for generations to come. Let Angela’s story inspire us to be stewards of the land and advocates for sustainable practices in all our endeavors.

What’s Your Gundog Goddess Style?

Who’s ready for some extra fun? Discover your unique approach to training with our “Which Gundog Goddess Are You?” quiz. You don’t want to miss this one

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Podcast Episode 124. “Help, I Don’t Have Time to Train My Dog Properly!”

Dog training often conjures images of extended sessions, replete with treats and toys, stretching into uninterrupted hours. Yet, what if I told you that the secret to a well-trained dog might just be found in the snippets of time we often overlook? Drawing on the enlightening perspectives shared by LWDG Group Expert Claire Denyer , this blog unveils a transformative approach to dog training, one that fits snugly into our fast-paced lives and aligns perfectly with our four-legged friends’ learning styles.

Podcast Edition:

The Power of Short, Focused Training Sessions

Gone are the days when dog training was reserved for the weekend warrior, able to dedicate large blocks of time to their pet’s education. This week’s podcast sheds light on a groundbreaking truth – dogs thrive on short, focused training sessions.

These 5-10 minute bursts of learning are not only manageable for busy dog owners but are actually more in tune with our dogs’ natural attention spans. Just as a brief, intense workout can be more beneficial than a prolonged period of mild exercise, these short sessions pack a punch in terms of effectiveness and engagement.

Training Occurs with Every Interaction

Every moment with your dog is ripe with training potential. From the routine of daily walks to the casual play in the living room, these interactions are the fabric from which obedient and well-behaved dogs are made.

Claire emphasises the seamless integration of training into everyday life, transforming mundane activities into opportunities for reinforcement and learning.

It’s about making the most of the moments we already share with our pets, turning them into valuable lessons that teach and reinforce desired behaviors.


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Quality Over Quantity in Training

At the heart of Claire’s message is the principle that the quality of training trumps its quantity. It’s not about how long you train but how well you engage with your dog during those moments. A mere three minutes of focused, purposeful training can significantly enhance the bond between you and your dog, paving the way for faster learning and deeper connection. This approach advocates for intentionality, urging dog owners to be fully present and purpose-driven during each training opportunity, no matter how brief.

Learning Through Play and Downtime

Training doesn’t pause when the toys are away or during a restful afternoon. Claire highlights the overlooked learning opportunities during play and downtime. These moments, often disregarded as non-productive, are actually teeming with potential for passive learning and reinforcement. It’s about keeping your dog engaged, even in observation, and recognizing the value in every moment spent together, ensuring continuous and holistic learning.

Training Can Happen Anywhere

One of the most liberating takeaways from Claire’s podcast is the realization that effective training is not confined to a specific place or setting. Whether you’re in a field engaging in short retrieves or in your kitchen preparing dinner, opportunities for training abound. This segment underscores the importance of flexibility and creativity in training, emphasizing that consistency and adaptability are key to integrating training seamlessly into daily life.

Being Present is Crucial for Your Dog

Finally, Claire reminds us of the significance of being truly present with our dogs during training. The quality of our engagement directly influences our dogs’ responsiveness and learning. An inattentive handler unwittingly teaches their dog that commands are optional. It’s about prioritizing focused, quality time with our pets, ensuring that we’re seen as reliable leaders and sources of learning.

Final Thoughts

This week’s podcast insights offer a refreshing perspective on dog training, one that champions the power of short, focused training sessions and the infinite learning opportunities that everyday interactions present.

This approach not only aligns with the natural learning tendencies of our canine companions but also fits effortlessly into the lives of modern pet owners. By embracing the principles of quality over quantity, being present, and recognizing the training potential in every moment, we can forge stronger bonds with our dogs, enhancing their training and our mutual enjoyment.

So, let’s maximize the minutes, making every moment with our four-legged friends count towards a happier, well-trained dog.

What’s Your Gundog Goddess Style?

Who’s ready for some extra fun? Discover your unique approach to training with our “Which Gundog Goddess Are You?” quiz. You don’t want to miss this one

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A Day to Remember: Our Gundog Foundations Training in Skipton

It was an early, brisk Saturday morning on the 16th of March when 11 enthusiastic ladies and their eager dogs gathered in the scenic North Yorkshire town of Skipton, ready for a day that promised to be both challenging and rewarding. The occasion? A special training day dedicated to laying down the gundog foundations, complete with the chance to earn the prestigious Ladies Working Dog Group Foundation Certificate.

Our very own Sarah Drake, alongside Becca Doveston from Dovemoor, kicked off the day with warm introductions. They laid out the day’s agenda, setting the stage for what was to become a memorable training experience. The blend of excitement and anticipation was palpable as we all geared up to take our partnership with our dogs to the next level.

Sarah Drake and Becca Doveston

Diving Into Training

The training ground became our classroom, with the crisp morning air filling our lungs and the lush greenery of Skipton providing a perfect backdrop. We started with heelwork, sit, and recall exercises. These aren’t just tricks; they’re the foundation stones of effective gundog training, crucial for ensuring our dogs can operate smoothly and attentively in any setting. The focus was palpable as each dog, guided by Sarah and Becca’s expert advice, began to adapt to the commands, showcasing the beginnings of true field discipline.

Sarah and Becca demonstrated the versatility of the stop whistle, showing us how to integrate it with the day’s exercises, turning each command into a step towards mastery.

A Moment to Recharge

After a hearty session of learning and practice, we took a well-deserved break. Gathering under the gazebo, sipping tea, and sharing stories, we reflected on our progress. The camaraderie among us was a reminder of why we love these gatherings so much – it’s not just about the dogs; it’s about the community, the shared passion, and the collective journey towards excellence.

Post-tea, we split into two groups for more focused sessions on hunting skills and retrieves. It was a treat to watch each handler-dog duo take the spotlight, receiving bespoke advice from Sarah and Becca. This personalised coaching is what makes these days so invaluable.


A Culinary Pause and the Certificate Challenge

Lunch at The Elm Tree Inn was more than just a meal; it was a moment to bond, to laugh, and to share our aspirations and challenges. Energised, we returned to the field for the certificate assessments.

Gratitude and Goodbyes

The day concluded with heartfelt thanks, especially to Sue Lister, our LWDG Regional Coordinator, whose support and insights were instrumental in the day’s success. Her equipment tips and the thoughtful goody bags, complete with LWDG pink dummies and treats from Hoddy’s and Cobbydog, were the cherry on top of an already perfect day.

Goody Bags

The Journey Continues

As we parted ways, the air was filled with a sense of accomplishment and anticipation for the journey ahead. The certificate results, awaited via email, would bring personal feedback from Sarah and Becca, offering each of us a roadmap for our continued progress.

This training day in Skipton was more than just a gathering; it was a milestone in our gundog training journey. A day where passion met purpose, and where every lady and her dog stepped closer to becoming the team they aspire to be.

To all who joined, and to those who supported us from near and far, a massive thank you. Here’s to many more days of learning, growth, and shared adventures.

Remember, every step forward is a step towards excellence, and every day like this one is a reminder of the incredible bond we share with our dogs and each other.

Congratulations to all those who passed their Foundation Certifications, and to all who took part in this fabulous day!

Podcast Episode 123. Trusting The Process Of Foundational Training

Have you ever dreamt of training your gundog to perform impressive retrieves or hunt alongside you like a pro? While those advanced skills are certainly something to strive for, many new dog owners underestimate the importance of foundational training.

In this episode of Found It , Fetched it , we’re joined by Claire Denyer and Jo Perrott, to delve into the world of foundational training and discover why it’s the cornerstone of a successful gundog journey.

Podcast Edition:

What is Foundational Training?

Foundational training goes beyond simply teaching basic obedience. It’s about building a strong foundation of manners and behaviours that will make your dog a well-adjusted companion both at home and in the field.

Think of it this way: foundational training is like the groundwork for a house. You wouldn’t build a dream home on a shaky foundation, would you? The same principle applies to your dog’s training. Without a solid foundation, more advanced skills can become unreliable and frustrating for both you and your dog.

For gundogs living in a home environment, foundational training might include:

Basic obedience commands: Sit, stay, come, down, basic retrieve, basic hunt
Lead manners: Walking politely on a lead without pulling
Crate training: Creating a safe and comfortable space for your dog
Manners in the home: Not jumping up, barking excessively, or stealing things

Why Foundational Training is Essential

While those flashy retrieves and hunting skills might seem more exciting, foundational training is the backbone of a well-trained gundog. Here’s why:

  • Solid Foundation for Advanced Skills: Imagine trying to build a complex structure on a weak foundation. It wouldn’t be very stable, would it? The same goes for dog training. Without foundational skills like good recall and heelwork, more advanced training becomes difficult and frustrating.
  • Natural Instincts Need Nurturing: Even breeds with strong natural hunting instincts benefit from foundational training. It helps refine their natural abilities and make them more controllable and reliable in the field.
  • Building a Strong Bond: The process of teaching foundational skills in a positive and rewarding way strengthens the bond between you and your dog. It fosters trust, respect, and a willingness to learn.

Jo Perrott emphasises this point perfectly: “You know, your house on sand might stand up probably at some point is gonna fall apart. So it’s really important that people get these foundational cues, these foundational behaviours inside and outside the house.”

Challenges and Overcoming Them

Let’s be honest, foundational training doesn’t always feel as glamorous as teaching your dog to fetch a bird. It can involve repetitive exercises and require patience from both you and your dog.

Here are some common challenges and tips for overcoming them:

  • Prioritising Fun Skills: Many dog owners get drawn to the flashier aspects of gundog training and neglect foundational skills.

Tip: Use a “poop sandwich” approach. Start with something fun and easy, then introduce the foundational training, and finish with another fun activity to keep your dog motivated.

  • Making it Manageable: Foundational training can seem overwhelming, especially for new dog owners.

Tip: Break down training into short, positive reinforcement sessions throughout the day. Consistency is key!

It’s a common misconception that foundational training is only for puppies. The truth is, even older dogs can benefit from revisiting the basics.

As Claire Denyer  discusses, ” So very often I get new clients come to me and John has the same. They might have a 2, 3, 4 yr old or maybe older dog than that. And they come to us and then there were issues in the training and we unpick everything and it’s like, well, actually the foundations aren’t solid. This is where we need to go.”



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Building a Well-Rounded Gundog

Foundational training extends beyond basic obedience. It also includes:

  • Handling: Teaching your dog to be comfortable with being touched and examined all over their body.
  • Restraint: Training your dog to be held still for procedures like nail trimming or vet checkups.
  • Muzzle Training: Teaching your dog to wear a muzzle comfortably in case of emergencies.

These skills might not seem glamorous, but they are essential for ensuring your dog’s safety and well-being throughout their life.


Foundational training is the bedrock of a successful gundog journey. It paves the way for a strong bond between you and your dog.


What’s Your Gundog Goddess Style?

Who’s ready for some extra fun? Discover your unique approach to training with our “Which Gundog Goddess Are You?” quiz. You don’t want to miss this one

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Celebrating International Women’s Day 2024: Unveiling “Beyond Pink” – A Podcast Episode on the Pressures of Being Female

On International Women’s Day 2024, we celebrate not just the achievements of women across the globe but also their incredible resilience and dedication in every field, including the unique and challenging world of gundog training. In line with this special day, we’re thrilled to unveil our latest podcast episode, “Beyond Pink: Unravelling the Pressures of Being Female,” inspired by the Barbie Monologue and deeply infused with the spirit of women who find empowerment through gundog training.

Podcast Edition:

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Empowerment Through Understanding and Training

The journey of being a woman, coupled with the intricate challenges of gundog training, embodies the essence of strength, patience, and resilience. “Beyond Pink” delves deep into the societal expectations and stereotypes that women navigate, not just in daily life but specifically in the realm of gundog training—a field traditionally dominated by men. This episode features stories from our community, highlighting the perseverance and empowerment of women who are breaking barriers with their faithful canine companions.

A Tribute to Women’s Resilience in Gundog Training

Releasing on International Women’s Day, “Beyond Pink” serves as a heartfelt tribute to the determination and tenacity of women in the gundog training community. It celebrates the significant strides we’ve made towards gender equality while acknowledging the unique challenges faced by women in this field. This special episode is a rallying cry for all women to embrace their passion, defy stereotypes, and support each other in every endeavour, including the specialized world of gundog training.

Join the Conversation and the Field

We invite every listener to engage with “Beyond Pink.” Share your journey in gundog training, the hurdles you’ve overcome, and the victories you’ve celebrated. Let this episode be a beacon for women in gundog training and beyond, inspiring conversations that drive change, build confidence, and foster a community of empowered women united by their love for dogs and the outdoors.

As we commemorate International Women’s Day 2024, let’s pledge to uplift each other, challenge the norms, and pave the way for a future where women in all areas, including gundog training, are recognized, celebrated, and supported. Tune into “Beyond Pink” and join us in honoring the incredible women who are leading the way in gundog training and every other field.

Your Story Is Our Inspiration

Your voice is a powerful catalyst for change, and your story is an inspiration to many. By sharing our experiences and supporting one another, we reinforce the solidarity that drives us towards a more inclusive and equitable world. This International Women’s Day, let’s celebrate the strength, diversity, and resilience of women everywhere, with a special nod to our sisters in the gundog training community.

Listen to “Beyond Pink: Unravelling the Pressures of Being Female”  and celebrate the remarkable journey of women in gundog training and across the world.

What’s Your Gundog Goddess Style?

Who’s ready for some extra fun? Discover your unique approach to training with our “Which Gundog Goddess Are You?” quiz. You don’t want to miss this one

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Podcast Episode121. Why Dog Training Is Never A One-And-Done Job

Welcome to another enlightening episode of “Found It, Fetched It”! Today, we’re diving deep into the heart of why dog training is a journey that never truly ends. Join us as we unpack the wisdom shared in Episode 121: “Why Dog Training Is Never A One-And-Done Job.”

Podcast Episode:


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Why Dog Training Is an Ongoing Adventure 🐾

In this insightful discussion, our experts delve into the misconception that dog training has a finish line. Spoiler alert: there isn’t one!

From puppyhood antics to navigating the tumultuous teenage years, our canine companions are continually evolving, and so must our approach to training.

Influence of Environment on Canine Behaviour 🌳

One key takeaway from the episode is the profound impact of environment on our dogs’ behaviour. With their keen senses attuned to the world around them, our canine friends navigate the world through smells, sights, and sounds. This means that training done in one place may not necessarily translate to other environments, highlighting the importance of exposure and gradual proofing.

Building a Solid Foundation Through Proofing 🏗️

To set our dogs up for success, it’s crucial to lay down a solid foundation of training in familiar surroundings. By gradually increasing challenges in terms of duration, distance, and distractions, we can help our furry companions master essential skills that will serve them well in any situation life throws their way.

Navigating the Challenges of Group Classes 🐕‍🦺

Group training classes can be both a blessing and a curse, as discussed in the episode. While they provide invaluable socialization opportunities, they can also overwhelm some dogs, leading to undesirable behaviours. Patience, understanding, and a willingness to adapt are key as we navigate these communal learning environments.

Addressing Unwanted Behaviours 🚫

When it comes to tackling undesirable behaviours, the team emphasized the importance of compassion and understanding. By identifying triggers and employing positive reinforcement techniques, we can help our furry companions overcome their challenges and develop more desirable habits over time.

Embracing Lifelong Learning and Flexibility 📚

Last but certainly not least, the episode underscored the importance of embracing a mindset of continuous learning and adaptability. As responsible dog owners, it’s up to us to stay open to new techniques, strategies, and insights that can enrich our training journey and deepen our bond with our beloved pups.

So there you have it, folks! Episode 121 of “Found It, Fetched It” delivered a treasure trove of insights into the dynamic world of dog training. Remember, it’s not just about teaching our dogs—it’s about embarking on a lifelong adventure together. Until next time, happy training, and may your tails wag with joy! 🐾


What’s Your Gundog Goddess Style?

Who’s ready for some extra fun? Discover your unique approach to training with our “Which Gundog Goddess Are You?” quiz. You don’t want to miss this one

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Podcast Episode 120. Innate vs Trained Behaviour

Does everything we train our dogs have to be an instinctual attribute?

In this podcast Joanne Perrott, Founder of The Ladies Working Dog Group, and LWDG Group Experts Claire Denyer of Family Dog Services, Jemma Martin of Whistle and Wag Dog Training, and Samantha Thorneycroft-Taylor of Languedoc Gundogs deep dive into whether we can only train our dogs in a breed specific way.

Podcast Episode: Innate vs Trained Behaviour Podcast

The Natural Instinct

There’s a lot to be said for using your clever canine’s genetic nature when training them to carry out certain tasks and job roles.

A Malinois has strong territorial and protective instincts, a Spaniel has a Very good nose (often ‘too’ good!), a Collie’s herding instinct comes naturally and a Labrador is pretty much born with the desire to have something in its mouth… You get the picture.

When you do your research before taking on a puppy, or even an older dog, make sure that you look into not only the breed traits but also certain lines within that breed. Different pedigrees will have different strengths and weaknesses, and the drive, desire and style of particular breed lines vary immensely too.

Having carried out your research, have a vision in your mind as to where you want to be with your dog in a year or two’s time; use this vision to help mould your puppy into the being that you want them to be.

It’s all too easy to forget what our dogs’ talents are and this can often end in frustration. If you’re the proud owner of a Spaniel, there’s little point in trying to stop it from ever using its nose.

A Dogs’ Heritage

Way back when, nearly all dogs had a job role to carry out and their pay packet was their board, lodgings and meal tickets. Dogs were bred to fulfil a specific need of their owner and that is how many of the breeds we know and love today were originally formed.

It’s well known that every dog on the planet today needs something to keep them mentally and emotionally satiated but the truth of it is that we haven’t enough job openings for every one of them.

The good news is that the modern dog is more than capable of gaining that satisfaction by training and spending time learning with you, their owner – they don’t actually need to ‘work’ in order to receive their pay packet.

Is There Another Way?

As long as you can tap into what your dog finds rewarding, you can use that to train them to do all sorts of wonderful things, to carry out tasks that may not come naturally but can be nurtured and grown over time.

We need to be sensible about the tasks that are asked of our dogs; your average Chihuahua may not have the ‘presence’ to move a large herd of cows to their next grazing field, and it’s not likely that a poodle would have the jaw power to bring down a criminal.

But there’s no reason that you can’t train your dog to execute roles that are not necessarily within their genetic makeup; a Labrador could be trained to point in a specific set of circumstances – upon finding a bird, the trained behaviour/response is to stand, as an example.



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Finding Your Balance

When a behaviour is second nature to your dog, it’s important to not let it run wild with enthusiasm and self-reward. Ensure you have boundaries instilled and the ability to start/stop the behaviour that you’re working with.

It’s mentioned above that you should understand your dogs’ talents and have an end goal in mind, but we also must acknowledge that not all square pegs will fit into round holes so sometimes our vision of our dogs future will need to be adapted to better suit their abilities.

Always remember that if your dog has a particularly strong innate desire to do something, then not allowing them to fulfil that desire in some way may well lead to cracks in your relationship – using the Dachshund as an example here; If you find yourself tearing your hair out because it chases everything in sight and lacks recall, it’s easy to assume that your dog is simply being naughty but they may well just be trying to use their natural abilities given that they were originally bred to be scent hounds, flushing smaller prey out of their warrens.

In Closing

Whilst it’s often ‘easier’ to nurture a behaviour that comes naturally to your dog, he will love the journey of learning something new with you whether it’s a genetic instinct or seemingly rather alien to him at the beginning.

A trained behaviour might not be as ‘stylish’ to watch (think Bulldog in the beating line) but that doesn’t make it any less enjoyable. Knowing that you’ve spent the time to teach your dog; you’ve broken down the chain into several smaller links, you’ve trained each little part and then pieced
them back together – to achieve that goal is incredibly rewarding!

In short, be sure to embrace your dog and all of its qualities whether instinctual or taught and have the best of times with your faithful companion.



What’s Your Gundog Goddess Style?

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Podcast Episode 119: Amy’s Journey: From Family Shoots to Gundog Training Days

Amy Weeks, a passionate member of the shooting and gundog community,  shares her inspiring journey in this heartfelt interview. From attending her first shoot at the tender age of 4 to taking on the responsibility of organising and running her family’s training shoot day, Amy’s story is one of dedication, growth, and a deep love for the shooting community.

Podcast Episode:

Getting Started in the Shooting Community

Amy’s journey began alongside her father, who introduced her to the world of shooting at a young age. Attending shoots with her dad ignited a lifelong passion for Amy, leading to her active involvement in the shooting community. Her father’s initiative in starting their family shoot syndicate 15 years ago provided Amy with the perfect platform to immerse herself in this beloved pastime.

Transitioning to Training Her Own Dog

Two years ago, Amy took a significant step in her journey by acquiring her first working dog, Willow. However, she faced the challenge of navigating the training process without much support. Determined to provide the best for Willow, Amy sought guidance from the Ladies Working Dog Group (LWDG), where she connected with experienced trainers like LWDG Group Expert Claire Denyer. Through dedication and perseverance, Amy embarked on a learning journey, discovering the nuances of training her own dog and deepening her bond with Willow.


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Organising Her Family’s Training Shoot Day

A pivotal moment in Amy’s journey came this year when she took on the role of organising and running her family shoot’s first training day. With Claire’s invaluable assistance, Amy successfully led the event, despite feeling the weight of responsibility in her father’s absence. The training day provided a nurturing environment for both new handlers and dogs, allowing them to gain valuable experience without the pressure of traditional shoot days.

The Future of the Shooting Community

Despite recent challenges such as bird flu, COVID-19, and poaching impacting the shooting community, Amy remains optimistic about its future. She is committed to inspiring more women to become involved and hopes to continue organising more LWDG Member training days to continue to build a supportive and inclusive community.

As we celebrate Amy’s journey, we are reminded of the importance of passion, perseverance, and community in pursuing our dreams. Her story serves as  inspiration for aspiring shooters and dog trainers alike, encouraging us to embrace their journey with courage and determination.

To listen to Amy’s full interview and join the conversation, visit the link above . Stay tuned for more updates from the Ladies Working Dog Group as they continue to empower women in the shooting and gundog community.

What’s Your Gundog Goddess Style?

Who’s ready for some extra fun? Discover your unique approach to training with our “Which Gundog Goddess Are You?” quiz. You don’t want to miss this one

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Podcast Episode 118 – Can I fit into this gundog world?

Hey everyone, it’s Jo from the Ladies Working Dog Group! This week, we’re tackling a question that hits close to home: “Can I fit into this gundog world?” Joining me for this discussion is our LWDG Mindset Coach, Emma Lidell. It’s a personal topic for me, and I’m sure many of you can relate.

This Week’s Podcast Episode: Can I fit into this gundog world?

Have you ever felt like you didn’t belong in the gundog world? Maybe you’ve had thoughts like, “I don’t have the right background, the right gear, or the right connections.” If so, you’re not alone. In fact, I recently received an email that struck a chord with me, and I want to share a snippet with you:

“I don’t fit into the gundog world. I don’t have the family background, the fancy gear, or the perfect setup. I practice in my trackies and hoodie, using makeshift equipment. My dog and I may not look the part, but we’re putting in the work, and it’s paying off.”

Reading these words broke my heart because they highlight a common struggle many of us face. But here’s the truth: You belong here. Whether you’re practicing in a local park or using homemade equipment, your dedication and love for your dog are what truly matter.

Authenticity Over Glamour

As Emma and I discussed, there’s often a disconnect between perception and reality in the gundog community. We see the glamorous photos on social media and think that’s the standard. But the reality is far from it.

Gundog training is hard work. It’s rainy days, muddy boots, and endless dedication. And while dressing up for a shoot day might be part of the fun for some, it’s just a fraction of what it means to be a gundog trainer. The pressure to present a polished image can sometimes feel overwhelming, but it’s essential to remember that authenticity is what truly connects us.

As I share thias week, the reality of my days out might not involve carefully curated outfits and picture-perfect settings. Instead, it’s about practicality and getting the job done. And that’s something many of us can relate to.

Emma’s story echoes this sentiment. Coming from a non-traditional background in fieldsports, she initially felt like a fish out of water. But her passion and determination led her to pursue her interests, despite feeling like a “fraud” at times.

I remember Emma reaching out to us at LWDG before getting her first gundog, unsure if she belonged in our community. And let me tell you, Emma, you’ve been an invaluable member ever since. Your journey reminds us that it’s not about where you come from; it’s about where you’re going.

Emma’s experience with her first gundog, Scout, paints a picture of the real-life challenges many of us face. From squeezing her dog into a three-door Fiesta to making do with limited resources, Jo’s journey is a testament to resilience and determination.

And as Emma rightly points out, our community is made up of a diverse spectrum of individuals. Some may have access to vast fields and top-of-the-line equipment, while others navigate training in smaller spaces with makeshift tools. But regardless of our circumstances, we all share the same passion for our dogs and the sport.

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Building an Inclusive Community

In a world where appearances often take precedence, it’s crucial to shine a light on the reality behind the facade. By sharing our stories and experiences authentically, we not only make our community more accessible but also inspire others to embrace their own unique journeys.

This weeks episode has been such an engaging conversation, and I love the passion and authenticity we all  bring to the field sports community. It’s clear that our experiences and journey have shaped not just our approach to training dogs, but also our perspective on inclusivity and acceptance within the community.

It’s a testament to the fact that anyone, regardless of background or perceived credentials, can find their place and thrive in field sports.

The emphasis on support and camaraderie within the Ladies Working Dog Group is truly commendable. Creating a welcoming and inclusive environment, both online and in-person, is essential for fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment among members and this is something the whole community cares about.

The online presence of LWDG, providing a platform for connection and support, especially for those who may not have access to similar communities locally. The willingness to support each other virtually, regardless of physical distance, highlights the strength of the community and its dedication to uplifting every member.

The LWDG are really passionate about making everyone feel welcome and included in the world of dog training, whether it’s through our membership, on various groups, or individual platforms. Making it authentic is key, right? It’s important we  share real moments, like when your dog messes up or when you’re out there in the rain, because that’s what connects people on a genuine level.

Keep the Conversation Going

Creating that authenticity is what breaks down barriers and makes it accessible for everyone. Offering opportunities for people to try things out, like beating or handling a shotgun, is such a fantastic way to open doors and nurture the next generation of women in this field. Embracing different backgrounds and ideas enriches the entire community and helps us all grow. And leading by example, whether it’s sharing resources or encouraging others, is a powerful way to foster a supportive environment.

I completely agree that keeping these conversations going is crucial. It’s through dialogue and understanding that we can continue to evolve and create an even more diverse and welcoming community.

Thanks for sharing your insights, and I’m looking forward to seeing the incredible community you continue to build. Keep shining your light and empowering others along the way!

In conclusion, remember that the Ladies Working Dog Group is here for you every step of the way. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, our community embraces authenticity, diversity, and inclusivity. So, join us on this journey of empowerment, support, and real-life dog training experiences. Together, we’ll break down barriers, inspire one another, and create a space where every woman feels welcome and valued in the world of gundog training. Let’s train our dogs, support each other, and thrive together. See you on the podcast!

Much Love Jo and Emma xx


What’s Your Gundog Goddess Style?

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Podcast Episode 117 : The Journey Of Raising A Retriever

Hello, fellow dog enthusiasts! It’s Joanne here. This week I chatted with LWDG Group Expert Claire Denyer and LWDG Featured Expert Abbie Reid bringing you a fresh take on our latest podcast episode, “The Journey Of Raising A Retriever.” If you’re navigating the exciting and sometimes challenging path of raising a retriever puppy, this one’s for you.

Key Takeaways

  • Let puppies explore and have fun while training, don’t be too strict too early
  • Train each puppy according to their unique personality and motivations
  • Proof behaviours in different environments, don’t assume they’ll generalise
  • Build a strong bond so the puppy wants to work with you
  • Reward and praise for small successes, don’t wait for perfection

Let the Adventure Begin: Embracing Puppyhood

First things first: let’s talk about the importance of letting your puppy explore and have fun during training. Remember, they’re just babies! Being too strict too early can dampen their spirit. Each puppy is a unique individual with their own personality and motivations. It’s crucial to tailor your training to match their style.

These dogs are not just smart, they’re super clever and full of fun – a real joy to be around. But, don’t let their playful nature fool you; they’re more than just a pretty face. Retrievers come with an in-built “fetching” software. It’s like they’re born knowing how to pick things up – it’s in their genes! This instinct is what makes them stand out, but it’s our job as their trainers to guide them on what to do next. It’s not just about fetching; it’s about what happens after. Do they bring it back? Do they drop it or hold onto it? 

That’s where the real training kicks in. Understanding this innate trait and harnessing it in the right way is what makes working with Retrievers so rewarding and, let’s face it, a bit of a fun challenge too!

Podcast Episode:

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Building Bonds and Breaking Habits

Retrievers are smart and lively, but they do come with their quirks, like their instinctual love for picking things up. It’s our job to guide them on what to do after they’ve retrieved something. And what if your pup picks up something they shouldn’t? Stay calm, and trade it for a toy. It’s all about teaching them what’s acceptable in a patient, understanding way.

When it comes to preventing unwanted retrieving, keeping your cool is key. If your puppy grabs something they shouldn’t, don’t make a fuss. Stay calm and swap it out for a toy. It’s like a little trade-off – “drop that slipper, here’s your favourite squeaky toy instead.” And remember, don’t turn it into a game of chase; we want to keep it low-key, treating it just like we would if they fetched a dummy.

Also, a bit of human training goes a long way. We need to be mindful about what we leave within paw’s reach. Think of it like puppy-proofing your home – if it’s not meant to be fetched, keep it out of sight.

Now, encouraging retrieving is a whole different ball game, and it really depends on your pup’s personality. Some are natural fetchers, while others might need a bit more encouragement. The secret? Find out what makes their tail wag. Is it a tasty treat, a fun game, or some good old praise? Use that to motivate them.

Start simple with the retrieves. No need to get too fancy at first – short and straightforward does the trick. This helps keep them focused and makes the learning process enjoyable for both of you. So, keep it fun, keep it rewarding, and watch as your retriever turns into a fetching superstar!

The Art of Retrieving

Retrievers might be natural fetchers, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need training. Discover what motivates your puppy – is it food, play, or praise? Start with simple, short retrieves and gradually build up complexity. This approach ensures they don’t get overwhelmed and can enjoy each success.

Proofing and Patience

Proofing each new skill in various environments is crucial. Dogs don’t generalise well, so it’s important to re-proof often. And remember, don’t rush! Have realistic expectations and focus on your pup’s unique needs and timeline.

Proofing is a crucial step in training our four-legged friends. It’s all about making sure each new skill they learn is rock solid, no matter where they are. You see, dogs aren’t great at generalising; they might nail a command in your garden but then look baffled when asked to do the same thing in the park. That’s why it’s important to practise these skills in various settings – your house, the park, during walks – mixing it up helps them understand that ‘sit’ means ‘sit’ everywhere, not just at home.

And while we’re at it, it’s vital to re-proof often. Just because they’ve got it right a couple of times doesn’t mean it’s set in stone. Regular practice in different places ensures that these skills become second nature to them.

Now, when it comes to having realistic expectations, it’s key to remember that every puppy is different. It’s so easy to fall into the trap of comparing your pup to others, but what works for one dog might not work for another. Focus on your own puppy’s pace and needs. They’re not on our human timetable; they’re on ‘puppy time’, which can be a bit more laid-back and spontaneous. So, patience is the name of the game. By understanding and accepting this, training becomes a more enjoyable and less stressful experience for both of you. Remember, it’s not a race; it’s a journey you’re both on together.

Celebrating the Wins

Finally, let’s cherish those memorable moments. Whether it’s an amazing blind retrieve into water or a hilarious mix-up like fetching a dead fish instead of a dummy, these are the stories that make the journey so rewarding. Listen to the podcast to hear these incredibly fun stories! 

Wrapping Up

Raising a retriever is a journey filled with learning, bonding, and a fair share of laughter. As we always say in the Ladies Working Dog Group, it’s about enjoying the adventure with your canine companion. Keep training, keep bonding, and most importantly, keep having fun!

If you missed the episode or want to revisit some tips, make sure to give it a listen. And as always, let’s keep supporting each other on this incredible journey of dog ownership. Until next time, happy training!


What’s Your Gundog Goddess Style?

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Podcast Episode 116. Is It A Bad Dog, or Bad Training?

In this week’s thought provoking podcast Joanne Perrot (founder of the Ladies Working Dog Group) is joined by LWDG Group Experts Samantha Thorneycroft-Taylor (Languedoc Gundogs) and Claire Denyer (Family Dog Services) as they discuss whether your dog has been correctly labelled a “bad dog” or whether there has been a miscommunication in it’s education.

Podcast Episode:

What is a “bad dog”?

Any dog can be called a “bad dog” and in fact most of them probably hear the words ‘you bad dog’ at some point in their life – when it took the opportunity to eat the unattended sandwich on the kitchen side, after he’s traipsed muddy paw prints across the living room carpet, or when she’s rolled in something unpleasant on her afternoon walk. More often than not, the above phrase is used simply as a passing comment to show interim displeasure.

Some dogs, however, become termed a “bad dog” with more longevity; perhaps you’re struggling with a recall every day in the stubble fields as the pigeon’s take your dogs’ focus, or maybe your dog continually lunges at passing cars as you attempt to walk along the pavement.

Being the owner of an unmannered pooch is exhausting, frustrating, and embarrassing in pretty equal measures. But especially so if you’ve no idea which way to turn, how to get help, or how to turn those scathing looks from passers-by into friendly compliments.

Looking at Your Dogs Genetic Makeup.

When we bring our cute puppy home for the first time, we hopefully have some idea of what our chosen breed is like but that’s not always the case.

It is super important to understand that all dogs need a ‘job role’ of some description, and ideally one that comes naturally to them; Spaniels have an exceptional nose, Collies enthuse drive and determination, Schnauzer’s are phenomenally loyal guardians so we can utilise their natural behaviours when working along their training journey.

Whether your dogs’ parents worked within the job ‘industry’ that they were bred for doesn’t mean that the drive will necessarily have been dampened – if we look at four generations of the same human family for a moment, we will often see recognisable features between a great grandmother and their great granddaughter, as well as the mother and grandmother in between. That’s four whole generations in which specific genetic appearances are the same, and you can almost guarantee that there will be actions, emotions and habits that carry through the family tree as well.

So going back to our beloved canine companions, their breeding was honed over several years and many generations to enhance the behaviours, and the looks, that we required for the work we needed them to do. It’s highly unlikely that within just a few generations of breeding that those genetic, inbuilt behaviours will have diminished, though of course there may be the odd puppy that shows less enthusiasm or drive than their siblings.

Not only is it desirable to know what your chosen breed of dogs is ‘designed’ to do, it’s also worth noting that specific bloodlines within a breed can carry certain traits; some desirable, others not-so, but having knowledge of these bloodlines is extremely beneficial when searching for, and choosing, your next pup.



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Double duck dude!

Our own LWDG Expert Claire Denyer’s dog, Dude, earned himself the nickname of “Double Duck Dude” on his local shoot due to the fact that he would always return with two ducks at a time on the duck drive (well done Dude; great conservation of energy).

It transpires that Dude’s grand sire used to display the exact same behaviour when working so Dude’s ability to problem solve and to realise he could do this was passed down the generations to him.

Is Your Dog Misunderstood?

Should you be tearing your hair out about your dog and wondering where it all went wrong, what turned your dog into a “bad dog”, rest assured you are not alone!

Key questions to ask yourself would be;

Is my dog actually displaying a version of their natural behaviour?

Does my dog understand the rules and boundaries within our family household?

Am I providing my dog with an outlet to perform those natural behaviours?

Sometimes, when we take a dog away from their ‘natural environment’ (think Collie in a field of sheep, or Spaniel hunting a woodland), and place them in an unnatural environment, we have to realise that their innate behaviours need an outlet – the dog must be given opportunities in which to use it’s natural instincts.

If we don’t provide the dog with an outlet in which to perform those instinctual behaviours, the dog will likely become frustrated and over time will probably start to display undesirable behaviours.

In other words, the dog becomes frustrated, and that frustration has to come out somewhere – be that through barking, chewing, chasing, nipping/biting.. All of these are deemed as problem behaviours and sadly earns the dog the title of “bad dog”… But is it truly the dogs fault?

It can become second nature to say ‘no you can’t do that, no you can’t do that either, no that’s off the table’, but we should ensure the dog is given an activity that they can do in its place; don’t chase the cats but play retrieve with me and this ball instead, don’t bark at the window but lay quietly on your bed instead. The replacement behaviour provides us with ample opportunity to reward the dog for doing something right.

With Reward Comes Repetition.

It sounds obvious, when we want a behaviour to be repeated it should be rewarded, when given an appropriate reward the dog is more likely to repeat the behaviour that gained them the reward.

This is absolutely true!

But, is the reward coming from you or is your dog rewarding themself? If your dog finds barking at the window extremely pleasing, they’re self rewarding and are likely to repeat the behaviour of barking at the window over and over again.

Is your dog rewarding itself for displaying a behaviour that you find undesirable?

Final Thoughts…

Ensure your dog has clear, consistent boundaries, that he knows what they are, and that he is rewarded appropriately for adhering to the rules.

Don’t just distract your dog to ‘manage’ the situation – provide clarity to your dog, teach them what is and what isn’t acceptable, and ensure that when telling your dog “you can’t do that” that you fill that void with something they can do instead, then reward them for completing the replacement, desirable, behaviour.

Written By LWDG Group expert Samantha Thorneycroft-Taylor


What’s Your Gundog Goddess Style?

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Podcast 115. To Clip or to Slip?

By Jemma Martin, LWDG Group Expert

Welcome back to our podcast and blog! Today, let’s explore the pivotal topic of choosing the right leads for your dogs, especially focusing on harnesses, collars, and the essential slip leads for our gundog community.

Harness or Collar: Choosing the Right One for Your Puppy

When selecting between a harness and a collar for your puppy, consider your training goals and your dog’s behavior. If your dog walks well to heel, a collar might be sufficient. However, harnesses, which have gained popularity, can sometimes impact a dog’s natural gait, so it’s important to make an informed choice.

Puppy Training 101: Mastering Loose Lead Walking

Loose lead walking is an essential skill for any dog, and the foundation for using any lead or collar effectively. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:

  1. Indoor Training: Start with simple indoor sessions. Use treats and verbal praise to keep your pup engaged. The aim is to make the pup follow you with a loose lead, rewarding them every few steps.
  2. Collar Familiarisation: Introduce your pup to a collar gradually. Ensure it’s a comfortable fit and reward calm behavior. This step is crucial to prevent anxiety or resistance towards wearing a collar in the future.
  3. Lead Introduction: Once your pup is comfortable with the collar, introduce the lead. If they bite the lead, a firm “no” and redirection towards the correct behavior can help. Keep practicing this in different environments, gradually increasing distractions.
  4. Further Help: Our flagaship course Hot Mess Handler has an entire module to help you train heel to you dog. If you’re struggling be sure to check it out.

Podcast Episode:

Types of Collars: Understanding Your Options

Flat Buckle and Clip Collars: These are the most common and are suitable for dogs that don’t pull excessively. Ensure the fit allows for two fingers under the collar for comfort.

SlipCollars: These are particularly useful for breeds such as gundogs as you can easily remove and replace the collar.

Legal Considerations: In the UK, it’s legally required for dogs to wear a collar with an ID tag in public places. This tag should include the owner’s contact information for safety.

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Harness Varieties: Pros and Cons

Y-Shaped Harness: This type of harness is less intrusive to a dog’s natural movement. It’s a good option for dogs that require a harness but don’t have specific pulling issues.

Fashion and Cross Chest Harnesses: While appealing, they can restrict movement and alter gait, which might be problematic for active or working dogs.

“No Pull” Harnesses: Designed to discourage pulling, these harnesses can be effective but require careful use to avoid discomfort or injury.

Slip Leads: A Gundog’s Companion

Slip leads are particularly useful for gundogs. They provide quick control and are easy to remove, which is beneficial in a working environment. However, correct usage is crucial to prevent choking or neck injury.

Special Considerations for Harness Use

Harnesses are advisable in certain situations, such as for dogs with pre-existing medical conditions, particularly Brachycephalic breeds, or for specific activities like scent tracking or dog sports.

Training as the Cornerstone

The effectiveness of any collar or harness is contingent on proper training. Teaching your dog to walk at heel with positive reinforcement is essential. This not only ensures their safety but also enhances the walking experience for both the dog and the handler.

Making an Informed Decision

In conclusion, the choice between a harness, collar, or slip lead depends on various factors including your dog’s breed, behaviour, and the activities you engage in. Proper fit, appropriate use, and consistent training are paramount.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right equipment for your dog is a journey of understanding and adaptation. Our team at LWDG is dedicated to guiding you through this process, ensuring both you and your dog enjoy a safe and comfortable experience. Remember, a well-trained dog and an informed owner are the keys to a harmonious relationship.


What’s Your Gundog Goddess Style?

Who’s ready for some extra fun? Discover your unique approach to training with our “Which Gundog Goddess Are You?” quiz. You don’t want to miss this one

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Ready to Change the Game with Your Gundog Training?

Do you find yourself each year full of intentions to be organised and set goals for your gundog training, yet somehow never quite getting there? We know how it goes. You plan to start, but then a day becomes a week, a week turns into a month, and suddenly, half the year has flown by, leaving you no further ahead than you were last year.

Well, not this time! 🤩

Turning The Tables In 2024

This year, we’re turning the tables with the “Gundog Training Game Changer” training. No more playing catch-up or feeling like you’re lagging behind in your training plans.

Watch our recording from 2024 and let’s set those goals, make those plans, and most importantly – follow through with them, together!

We’ll Walk you Through Every Stage And We’ll Do It Together…

🌟 Transform Your Gundog Training in 2024 with These Key Steps 🌟

👉 Better Time Management: Learn how to efficiently allocate your time for optimal gundog training results. Say goodbye to wasted hours and hello to productive training sessions!

👉 Key Elements & Expert Guidance: We’re here to provide you with all you need for the BEST YEAR EVER in gundog training. From essential techniques to expert advice, we’ve got you covered.

👉 Tailor-Made Morning Routines: Discover how to kickstart your day in a way that suits you and your gundog. A morning routine that works for you is a morning that works for your training!

👉 Realistic Goals & Weekly Plans: Get crystal clear on achievable goals and develop a focused, weekly plan to stay motivated. We’re turning aspirations into action!

👉 Plan All of 2024 in Just 60 Minutes: Yes, you read that right! In under an hour, you’ll have a complete, effective training plan for the entire year. Efficient, exciting, and totally doable.

Get ready to embrace a year of unparalleled gundog training success. Watch below and let’s make 2024 a year to remember!


LWDG Foundation Plan Buy Here

LWDG Novice Plan Buy Here

Quick-Plan Pad  Buy Here

Podcast 113. From One Generation to the Next in Teaching Puppies and Mothers

Welcome to this week’s podcast, where we dive deep into the exciting world of canine families we create. Our focus this week is on the challenges and r experiences that come with training mother dogs alongside their puppies.

As you join us, prepare to discover essential tips and tricks to ensure both generations thrive under your care. We’ll share heartwarming stories from our own experiences, alongside expert advice to guide you through the process. Whether you’re an experienced dog owner or new to the world of canine training, this podcast is packed with practical steps to help you create a strong, obedient, and joyful group of dogs in your home.

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Training a Pup Alongside Its Mother and Other Dogs

Breeding a litter is a massively exciting and daunting experience for any owner. Whilst the outcome is hopefully a happy, healthy litter, it’s not always plain sailing and can be an exhausting time mentally. When all the pups go to their fabulous new homes, you can sigh a big sigh of relief knowing that your job is done and you have added some well-bred pups to the working gene pool… right? Right, unless you decide to keep one, then your job is far from done. Despite my well-planned litter with the reason to keep a pup, I had subconsciously blocked myself from thinking that rather than an 8-10 week period of anxiety and lack of sleep, it was going to be prolonged as I was keeping a pup. So rather than put my feet up at 8 weeks, that’s when the fun really started as I needed to start training and integrating the keeper into the established pack.

So, let me introduce you to Yara – the keeper, the long-anticipated pup. Training her alongside her mother and our established pack became my next chapter.

The Training Journey

Stage 1: Acclimatising to the Household

Up until 8 weeks, Yara had stayed with her brothers in the whelping pen and slept in a big pile of pups, so stage 1 was getting her used to being on her own. I set an extra crate up in the kitchen and set about crate training refresher but on her own. I had already done this with the pups as a group, so the process was very straightforward, and quickly Yara was happy in her crate. I gradually increased the periods of time she was alone in her crate whilst all the normal goings-on happened around the house. The other dogs came and went, including mum, and all was fine. Everything went swimmingly, and Yara spent her first night in her crate in the kitchen with the other dogs without a hitch. Brilliant! Stage 1 complete, Yara was sleeping and spending time alone in the kitchen with the other dogs outside her crate.

Stage 2: Initiating Training

Training had to start; this was a mixture of short sessions in the kitchen, garden and being carried out and about. The other dogs were a massive distraction, so these sessions were when the other dogs were shut away. This enabled me to have some alone time bonding with Yara and get a head start on her foundation training. Solo training will continue for some time, ensuring our bond is strong.

Stage 3: Socialising with the Pack

Next was getting Yara used to the other dogs, and the other dogs getting used to her. Yara was introduced to the other dogs one at a time: Mum then, great aunty, then uncle, and then my housemate’s puppy springer. All introductions went well, and they are gradually spending more and more time out together. In the evenings, we have a pen set up in the living room so the other dogs get a bit of time out, and Yara can practice settling around them. They have also been travelling in the car together, so habituation to the other dogs is well underway. I just need my dogs to be neutral around each other, so they are happy to be together but equally happy to be separated.


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Stage 4: Advancing Training and Integration

The next stage is just moving forward with Yara’s training and slowly starting to bring in the others into her training. My main priority is that I am more important to Yara than the other dogs, particularly her mum Nuka, who she is obviously quite close to. I have been taking her on our more relaxed outings, where the others get a bit of free time, and she has been running around close with them and practicing her recalls away from them, which has been going well.

Reflections on Rearing and Training

Keeping a pup with mum has had its plus points and its negative points. On the plus side, Yara is a very bold pup and is settled and confident in her family unit. The downside is that I think it has been more difficult to manage the relationships between the dogs as Nuka is obviously more protective than she would be had a strange pup come into the pack. As Yara matures, I am sure I will come across more hurdles in the mother/daughter dynamic, but I am ready to tackle them and press on building my cocker dream team.

Additional Considerations in Rearing and Training

Health and Nutrition: Ensuring that Yara and her canine family receive proper nutrition and veterinary care is crucial for their development and training. Regular check-ups, vaccinations, and a balanced diet contribute to their overall wellbeing, which directly affects their ability to learn and integrate into the group.

Behavioural Observations: Monitoring interactions between Yara, her mother, and other dogs provides invaluable insights into their group. Understanding each dog’s personality and behavioural cues aids in preventing conflicts and promoting harmony .

Continuous Learning and Adaptation: Training a dog, especially within a group, is an ongoing process. It’s vital to stay informed about training techniques and canine behaviour to effectively guide Yara and the other dogs. Adapting strategies as they grow and learn ensures continuous improvement and a strong, cohesive family.

Final Thoughts…

Training Yara with her mum and the other dogs needs time, lots of watching, and love. It helps them all get along better and learn well. It’s a big job, but it makes a happy and smart dog family. Want to hear more? Check out our podcast this week for all the details and stories!


What’s Your Gundog Goddess Style?

Who’s ready for some extra fun? Discover your unique approach to training with our “Which Gundog Goddess Are You?” quiz. You don’t want to miss this one

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Podcast 111. What’s My Dogs Purpose?

This week brings an amazing podcast that’s well worth a listen by all dog owners, not just gundog owners.Emma Liddell (our LWDG Mindset Coach) joins Joanne Perrot, founder of the Ladies Working Dog Group, to discuss the purpose of a dog.

Diving Straight In

So, when we ask “what is my dog’s purpose?”, we’re not asking what is the point of your dog – we’re looking at what you and your dog need to do in order to feel fulfilled..

Today’s working dogs are often multi-purpose; they’re both a valued member of the team on the shoot field, and a cherished member of the family within the home.

There is also a long list of purposes, or job roles, that we may wish our dogs to perform. These range from a gamekeeper’s right hand ‘man’, a beating dog, a picking up dog, or a peg dog right through to being a service dog, a medical dog, a search & rescue dog, a livestock dog, or a protection dog.

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Expectation Vs Reality

When looking for a puppy to train for working within the shooting environment, you will likely have a preferred breed in mind, you’ll have an understanding of that breeds innate behaviours, be looking for a litter from parents whom have working experience, and might even be lucky enough to have met (and seen) at least one of those parents working on your local shoot.

We often go into (gun)dog ownership with a load of expectations, we expect that our dogs will:

• Be incredibly well trained

• Have good manners

• Ignore distractions

• Walk nicely on a lead

• Fulfil the job-role of working on a shoot

However, this doesn’t always go to plan!

Training takes time..

Every dog must be trained at a pace that works for them; rush through things and the foundations won’t be solid enough, go too slowly and the dog becomes under-stimulated.

Sometimes through lack of education and sometimes from being a particularly spirited individual, dogs are not always naturally born good mannered – they won’t mean any malice by jumping all over you with muddy paws, but it’s frustrating nonetheless.

Not many dogs are born knowing how to walk politely on a lead, and heelwork is a frequent cause of anguish for many dog owners. Once mastered, this skill is one to keep for life!

Then, once all of the foundational training has been implemented, it’s time to further the education and move onto more job specific training – and, sadly, not all gundog bred puppies have the drive of their family members so you’re expectations of having a working gundog, and the reality a couple of years later may not match..

Emma Liddell tells of how she’d always dreamed of working a gundog with her bird of prey so when she was able to offer a home to her first rescue dog she jumped at the chance.

When the time came to introduce the bird and the dog, it quickly became clear that her hawk did not like her dog, and that them working together in partnership was unlikely to happen.

Whilst this was devastating for Emma at the time, she refused to let it deter her and she soon focused her goals on training her dog to fulfil a different purpose.

What makes a Gundog, a ‘Gundog’?

Is it their breeding? Is it their trainability, or their talent at work?

Personally I think it’s all of those things, and/or a mix of those things. Given that all dogs’ are unique, with their own strengths and weaknesses, you may have a dog from some pretty impressive breeding that actually has no desire to work alongside a gun. This, in my opinion, can be termed a gundog based on it’s lineage.

Or you may have a dog that’s about as far removed from gundog breeding as you can imagine but that, for whatever reason, it shows special talent for flushing birds in the beating line or retrieving game once it’s shot. This is also a gundog in it’s own right, based on it’s abilities.

In this respect, the ‘ultimate’ “gundog” would be one that has both the breeding, and the work ethic – but that doesn’t necessarily make it superior to the other two.

Does a Dog, of Gundog Breeding, Have to Work on the Shoot Field?

No! You can own a gundog that never experiences a shoot day, easily 25% of my clients never have the intention of actually working their dog in the shooting environment. But, they undertake the gundog training in order to fulfill their best friend’s natural instincts which, in turn, benefits the relationship.

The ‘purpose’ of the dog in this instance is probably more to give companionship and fulfilment to its owner, but the owner is ensuring their dogs needs are also being met.

Breed Stereotypes

In year’s past you would largely see Spaniel’s working the beating line, and Labrador’s standing behind the guns, or on peg. More recently we have become better at understanding that with a dogs’ unique personality and strengths, we don’t necessarily need to stick to this stereotype – a Labrador can make an amazing beating companion, and a Spaniel can be more than capable of retrieving game.

To Wrap Up

Not everything always works out just as we planned, and that is ok!

A Gundog is a Gundog regardless of breed.

A dog is a dog with a purpose if they are gaining enjoyment and satisfaction from the role they are carrying out.

Whatever purpose your dog ends up with is a good one providing you are both happy and healthy, with a relationship built upon rules, boundaries and mutual trust.

Wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas and a fabulously dog-filled 2024, xx


What’s Your Gundog Goddess Style?

Who’s ready for some extra fun? Discover your unique approach to training with our “Which Gundog Goddess Are You?” quiz. You don’t want to miss this one

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Essential Finds for Gundog Trainers: Explore Our Exclusive Amazon Store Selections!

Are you always on the lookout for products that truly understand the unique needs of your gundog? Look no further! Our Amazon store is a treasure trove of carefully selected items, each one designed to support and enhance your gundog training journey.

The Ladies Working Dog Group Amazon Store is a one-stop-shop for all your gundog training needs and beyond. Our store is not just about products; it’s about empowering you, the dedicated gundog trainer, with the right tools to nurture both your skills and your dog’s abilities.

Why Our Amazon Store?

  • Tailored Selection: Every product in our store is handpicked. From training aids to care essentials, we’ve got everything to make your gundog’s training effective and enjoyable.
  • Quality and Trust: We understand the importance of quality. Rest assured, these products are tried and tested, ensuring they meet the high standards your gundog deserves.
  • Convenience at Your Fingertips: Easy browsing, hassle-free shopping – find what you need in just a few clicks.

Member-Suggested Products: Tailored to Your Needs

A unique feature of our Amazon store is the involvement of our community in selecting products. We deeply value the input of our members, which is why many items in our store have been chosen based on suggestions from women just like you. These recommendations come from real-life experiences and challenges faced in gundog training. By incorporating your feedback, we ensure that our store remains a dynamic and responsive resource, continuously evolving to meet the ever-changing needs of our dedicated gundog trainers. This approach not only fosters a sense of community but also ensures that our product range is highly relevant and practical for all your training endeavors.

What You’ll Find:

Working Dog Books

Immerse yourself in our selection of books, offering wisdom on various training techniques and insights into the world of working dogs. Each book is a treasure trove of knowledge, perfect for both beginners and seasoned trainers.

Working Dog Beds

Our specially selected dog beds promise comfort and durability, ensuring your dog gets the rest needed after a day of training.

Training Skorts

With different training skorts, we combine fashion with functionality, allowing you to train in comfort and style.

Canine First Aid Kits

Safety is paramount. Our range of first aid kits ensures you’re always prepared for any minor injuries or emergencies.

Training Aides

Our innovative training aides are designed to enhance your training sessions, making them more effective and enjoyable.

Working Dog Grooming

Keep your gundog looking and feeling its best with our grooming selection, covering all your dog’s hygiene needs.

Working Dog Whistles

Communication is key in training. Our collection of different whistles provides you with the means to train effectively.

Working Dog Drying Coats

Our drying coats are perfect for keeping your dog warm and dry, no matter the weather.

Building Self Confidence

Explore our items focused on building your confidence as a trainer, because your mindset is as important as your skill set.

Self Care

Our self-care products are there to remind you that taking care of yourself is just as crucial as taking care of your gundog.

Sound Training Support

Discover our range for sound training support, enhancing your dog’s response to auditory cues.

Working Dog Owner Accessories

With owner accessories, we ensure that you have everything you need to make your training sessions as smooth as possible.

Estate Day Essentials

Our carefully selected item ensures you’re well-prepared for a day on the estate, focusing on practicality and convenience.

Miscellaneous Mentions

Explore our category for those unique, must-have products that don’t fit neatly into any other category but are essential for any gundog owner.

Conclusion Visit our Amazon store today and discover the wealth of resources we offer. Each product is chosen with the intention of enhancing your gundog training experience and supporting your journey towards becoming a more confident and skilled trainer. Join our community and step into a world where training your gundog is not just a task, but a rewarding and enjoyable journey.

Podcast Episode 110: Mythbusting around Breeds

This week’s epic podcast focuses on a couple of myths about gundog breeds. Joanne Perrot, founder of The Ladies Working Dog Group, is joined by Claire Denyer of Family Dog Services, Jemma Martin of Whistle and Wag Dog Training and Samantha Thorneycroft-Taylor of Languedoc Gundogs.

There’s a very commonplace saying in the gundog world; “Labrador’s are born half trained, and Spaniel’s leave the world half trained”. If you’re the proud owner of either of these fabulous breeds I’m almost sure that you’ll be nodding along.. or will you..?

How it started.

When the saying came about, and even up until 10-15 years ago, the saying held a lot of truth – Labrador’s, certainly from working stock, were incredibly biddable, reliable, focused and eager to both learn and please.

There were three distinctive ‘types’ of Labrador; the show line, the working line and the trialling line, each bred for a specific purpose and job role.

Spaniel’s were generally higher energy, leaning towards fizzy, always on the go but they too had a willingness to do the job – just at 100 miles an hour!

A spaniel’s ‘type’ was fairly easily discernible by their stature; if we look at the Springer Spaniel for a moment, those from working stock tended to look stockier and well built across the shoulder with a fairly heavy set hind quarters giving them the stamina to easily work a full day on the beating line. The trialling Springer was often a leaner and leggier looking dog, built for speed and flashiness, often working in shorter bursts.

A Cocker Spaniel, of working pedigree, was not too dissimilar in stature from that of a working Springer, just a little smaller – let’s not forget that originally, the way to distinguish a Cocker and a Springer was the overall size (the Cocker was smaller).

Let’s delve a bit deeper..

In recent years those ‘types’ and the lines in the pedigrees have somewhat merged. The working and trialling line Labrador have, for a large part, become one which has led to a leaner looking dog with a much finer head and body structure.

There are still dogs available that are more like their predecessors but it can be a tricky task to find them at times.

The original ‘heavy set, solid’ Springer Spaniel are very few and far between now, with the majority being more akin to an ice skater than a rugby player. They usually have slightly longer legs, a finer waistline and a more delicate looking head (believe it or not, especially when you’ve witnessed them crashing through heavy undergrowth with eagerness to locate and flush, or retrieve, game).

When looking at the working lines of the Cocker Spaniel we have witnessed several changes, the most noticeable being when they became much much smaller – some almost the same size as a large pheasant. More recently still they have seemingly increased in size again but not to anywhere near the same degree as before.

And it doesn’t stop there. It’s not only the appearance of our dog’s that has changed – their mentality has too and many of our beloved companions these days are more spritely, highly driven, more hard-wired to perform a job role and to perform it well.

If we believed Spaniel’s to be fizzy in previous generations, nowadays they can be like a crate of champagne that’s just experienced an earthquake!

The first thing to consider is your ‘end goal’ for your puppy; are you looking for

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So what should we consider when looking for a puppy?

a family pet that may accompany you on a handful of days during the shooting season, or are you needing a full time shoot companion working several days a week for almost half of the year?

Next should be being totally honest about your own experience and abilities when it comes to training your new puppy through its first formative weeks/months right through to it’s adult life.

If you are looking for the former then a puppy with a very red five generation pedigree (the red depicting Field Trial Winners and Field Trial Champions), is unfortunately probably not the right fit. A calmer, home bred puppy is far more likely to fulfill your dreams and bring you a better partnership.

A more experienced owner with a desire to work their dog frequently, or to bring them on to trial standard may find a home bred dog a little lacking in the that special ‘something’ and so should understandably be seeking out that aforementioned red pedigree – this, more often than not, brings a pacey, flashy dog that will compliment the job role well.

Wrong dog in the wrong home?

Some of, what are frequently deemed as, ‘behavioural problems’ in dogs nowadays can be attributed to the dog in question not getting adequate fulfilment of it’s genetic instincts. An ‘out of control’ spaniel that never settles, shreds everything in sight, and does laps of the living room furniture could well be frustrated and lacking in purpose.

That’s not to say that an owner is purposefully doing a disservice to their family member, but perhaps that an initial lack of understanding about what the breed, and the lines within that breed, actually need to keep them sane, sensible, and satiated.

Final Thoughts…

Be sure to research your breed of choice thoroughly, and the varying lineages within that breed before falling in love with your potential next puppy.

Consider your own experience, along with your support network, your access to trainer’s, and how much time you’re going to be able to dedicate to the training of your puppy, your adolescent dog, and your adult dog.

Do remember however that every dog is unique and there will always be exceptions to the rule; not every Collie will be driven to work livestock, just as there may be a pup in a field trial bred litter who is unexpectedly laid back and more than happy to slouch in-front of the log fire for several hours a day, rather than join his siblings out in the working environment.

Whatever you get, have fun and enjoy your time together; learning, working, and nurturing the most rewarding partnership.


What’s Your Gundog Goddess Style?

Who’s ready for some extra fun? Discover your unique approach to training with our “Which Gundog Goddess Are You?” quiz. You don’t want to miss this one

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