Happy International Dog Day! Today is a day to celebrate our four-legged friends and learn more about what they are trying to tell us. Dogs use their body language to communicate with us, and it’s important to understand what they are saying. In this blog post, we will discuss some common things dogs try to tell us and how to interpret their signals. We will also share some tips on creating a better relationship with your dog based on communication. Thanks for celebrating International Dog Day with us!

What is International Dog Day, and why do we celebrate it?

Every August 26th, dog lovers around the world celebrate International Dog Day. But what exactly is this holiday, and why do we celebrate it? International Dog Day was founded in 2004 by pet and events planner Colleen Paige.

The holiday is meant to recognise the benefits that dogs bring to our lives and promote adoptions from shelters and rescues. In addition, the day provides an opportunity to reflect on how we can better care for our furry friends.

For example, we can make sure to provide them with plenty of exercises, proper nutrition, and plenty of love and affection. By commemorating International Dog Day, we can remind ourselves of everything that makes our canine companions so special.

What are some common things dogs try to tell us through their body language?

Dogs are communicative creatures that try to tell us a lot through their body language. Some common things they try to communicate include when they are happy, when they are sad, when they are hungry when they want to play, and when they are tired.

One way to build a better relationship with your dog is to learn their body language.

  • Dogs will often wag their tails when they are happy and excited.
  • When dogs are feeling afraid or insecure, they may tuck their tails between their legs.
  • A dog who is trying to assert dominance will often stand tall and put their head up high.
  • If a dog feels playful, they might jump around and wag their tail rapidly.
  • When a dog is tense or anxious, they may lick their lips or pant heavily.
  • Yawning or showing their teeth can be a sign that a dog is feeling threatened.
  • Dogs may also raise their hackles (the hair on their back) when they are feeling aggressive.

By paying attention to our dogs’ body language, we can better understand what they are trying to say and respond accordingly.

A dog’s ears, eyes, mouth, tail, and posture can all convey a range of emotions, from happiness and excitement to fear and aggression. By understanding these various signals, you can better communicate with your dog and keep them safe in different situations.

For example, a dog who is feeling scared or threatened may tuck their tail between their legs and lower their body to the ground. On the other hand, a dog who is feeling playful will likely have a relaxed posture with their tail held high. If you’re ever unsure about how your dog feels, just ask them – they’ll be more than happy to tell you!

Five Other Surprising Facts About Dogs

  1. Dogs have three eyelids: one for blinking, one for keeping the eye moist, and one to protect the eye from debris.
  2. Dogs have a third eyelid, called a nictitating membrane or “haw,” that serves to protect their eyes.
  3. Dogs use their tails for balance, communication, and to help with navigation.
  4. The tail is also used as a counterbalance when a dog changes direction at high speed.
  5. Dogs have sweat glands in their paws, which help them to regulate their body temperature.

Additional Resources About Dog Communication

How To Reset A Training Exercise: Helping Dogs Learn Through Patience and Repetition


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