There are a lot of misconceptions about using food rewards in training working dogs. Some people believe that you should never use food as a bribe or reward, while others think that it is the only way to train a dog. The truth is, using food in training can be very effective – but it’s important to do it the right way.

In this podcast with LWDG Group Expert and Behavioural Trainer Claire Denyer, and Celebrity Dog Trainer and LWDG Featured Expert Robert Alleyne, we discuss how to use food in training working dogs effectively and efficiently.

In this episode we look at:

1. The benefits of using food in training working dogs

2. How to use food in training effectively

3. Alternatives to food rewards in dog training

4. Tips for success when using food or other rewards in training

Podcast Edition:


The benefits of using food rewards in training working dogs

Working dogs, like gundogs, police and military K9s, search and rescue dogs, and service animals, undergo rigorous training to perform their duties. But did you know that using food as a reward during this training can not only make it more effective but also strengthen the bond between dog and handler?

Using food in training gives the dog a clear motivation to follow commands and perform tasks, leading to faster learning. In addition, food rewards can increase a dog’s excitement and enthusiasm for working which can translate into improved performance on the job.

Food-based training also helps to build trust and a positive relationship between dog and handler, making the working partnership even stronger. With all these benefits it can be easy to see why we might want to reward our four-legged friend.

How to use food rewards in training effectively

Food has long been used as a great motivator and reward in dog training, but it’s important to understand the difference between using food as a reward and bribery. Reward-based training involves offering your dog a treat or food after they have completed the desired behaviour, while bribery involves showing or offering the food before the behaviour in an attempt to manipulate the dog into performing it.

While bribery may seem like an easy fix, it can actually create confusion for the dog and make them less likely to listen in the future. Instead, focus on rewarding your pup after they have successfully completed a behaviour to reinforce positive actions.

The key difference is the timing. A reward is given after the desired behaviour occurs, while a bribe is offered beforehand in hopes of getting the desired behaviour. In other words, rewards reinforce good behaviour while bribes can actually encourage undesirable behaviours and create dependence on treats.

Alternatives to food rewards in dog training

When it comes to training our beloved companions, food rewards have recently become a go-to tool. However, some dogs can develop a reliance on food rewards, and may not respond well in situations where treats are not available.

Luckily, there are plenty of successful alternatives that can be just as effective at reinforcing good behaviour. For example, try praising your dog with excited verbal cues or going for a fun play session as a reward. You can also use favourite toys or games as rewards, or simply give them positive attention and affection.

The important thing is to find what works best for your pup, and consistently reinforce the desired behaviour. Ultimately, building a strong bond and trust with our dog is the foundation for successful training – and these alternative rewards can be a great way to strengthen that bond even further. Who knew loving and playing with our pups could also make them more well-behaved? It’s a win-win for everyone involved!

Tips for success when using food or other rewards in training

As a dog owner, using treats to train your four-legged friend can be a great way to reinforce good behaviour. However, it’s important to use food rewards strategically in order to ensure the most successful outcome.

First, start by determining what type of treat your pup loves the most and use that as the reward for their desired behaviour.

It’s also important to pay attention to when you give the treat – make sure you give it immediately after the desired behaviour is performed, so your dog makes the connection between the reward and their action.

Another tip is to gradually phase out food rewards over time, replacing them with verbal praise or physical affection as reinforcement.

Finally, remember that treats should only be given during training sessions – avoid giving them randomly throughout the day or it could lead to weight gain or behavioural issues. By utilising these tips for success, you and your furry companion will have a happy and productive training experience.

Further Reading: How To Have Incredible Fun Teaching Your Gundog


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