
10 Things Dog Trainers Wish You Knew About Training Dogs

If you’re like most people, you probably think of your dog trainer as a kind of magical being. Someone who can wave a wand and make your naughty pup behave perfectly. In reality, training dogs is much more work than that – and your dog trainer wishes you knew that it’s a long process that you can succeed at.

In this week’s podcast episode LWDG Group Expert Clair Denyer and her husband, LWDG Featured Expert John Denyer take us through the ten things your dog trainer wishes you knew about training dogs.

This episode celebrates our first year of LWDG POD DOG, and we would like to thank each and every listener and contributor for making it a brilliant adventure!

Podcast Episode:

10 Things Dog Trainers Wishes You Knew About Training Dogs

Breed Traits Are Important

As any dog lover knows, each breed has its unique set of traits. These traits result from centuries of selective breeding and play an important role in determining a dog’s temperament and behaviour.

For example, herding dogs were bred to work closely with humans, and as a result, they tend to be loyal and obedient. On the other hand, hounds were bred to hunt independently and tended to be more independent and stubborn.

Understanding a dog’s breed traits is essential for choosing the right dog for your lifestyle. It can also help you understand your dog’s behaviour and temperament and provide insight into how best to train and care for your four-legged friend.

There is no race to train your dog

Training your dog can be a fun and rewarding experience for both of you. It’s a great way to bond with your four-legged friend and help them learn basic obedience skills.

And contrary to popular belief, there is no rush to train your dog. Puppies, in particular, are still learning about the world around them and need time to adjust to their new home and family. So, take your time and enjoy the process.

Training should be a positive experience for both of you, so don’t hesitate to give plenty of praise and treats along the way. With a little patience and love, you’ll be amazed at what your dog can learn.

Further Listening/ Reading:

The Working Dog Age Race

Overtraining can create boredom.

Training your dog can be one of the most rewarding experiences you can have as a pet owner. Not only does it give you and your dog a chance to bond, but it also helps your dog to stay healthy and well-behaved. However, it’s important not to overdo it.

Just like humans, dogs can become bored if they are made to do the same thing repeatedly. This can lead to poor performance during training sessions and even behavioural problems.

To keep your dog interested in training, make sure to mix up the routine and provide plenty of opportunities for playtime and exploration. By giving your dog a well-rounded life, you can help to prevent boredom and ensure that training is always enjoyable for both of you.

Quality is more important than quantity.

As any dog lover knows, training is essential for a well-behaved pet. But many people don’t realise that quality is more important than quantity when it comes to dog training. That’s because dogs learn best when given short, frequent sessions focused on a specific behaviour.

So instead of one long weekly training session, it’s better to break it up into several shorter sessions throughout the week. This way, your dog will have a better chance of retaining what he’s learned and will be more likely to respond positively to your commands. Plus, the more you work with your dog on his training, the closer you’ll become – and that’s something every dog lover can appreciate!

Tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

When you’re looking for a dog trainer, it’s important to be honest about your dog’s behaviours and temperament. After all, the trainer can only help your dog if they know what they’re working with. So, tell the truth about your dog’s good points and bad points.

Be honest about any aggression issues, separation anxiety, or other behavioural problems. And don’t forget to mention any obedience training that your dog has already had. The more information you give the trainer, the better they’ll be able to help your dog – and you! – succeed.

It also means being honest about your own expectations and abilities. After all, the trainer can’t help you if they don’t know what you’re struggling with. So, if you’re ready to get the most out of your training, be sure to tell the whole story.

Equipment tools aren’t dangerous; the people using them are

As any dog lover knows, our four-legged friends need exercise, mental stimulation, and plenty of love and attention. Training is one of the best ways to provide all of these things.

Training strengthens the bond between dog and owner and can also help prevent problem behaviours from developing. While some people may be concerned about the use of equipment in dog training, the truth is that it isn’t the equipment that’s dangerous – it’s the people who use it badly.

When used correctly, equipment such as harnesses, leashes, and rewards can be incredibly helpful in teaching dogs new behaviours. The key is to use them safely and effectively, keeping your dog’s well-being at the forefront of your mind at all times. With a little knowledge and care, you can make dog training a fun and rewarding experience for you both.

welsh springer spaniel puppy gazing at cows in a field

Socialisation needs structure

If you’re a dog owner, you know that socialisation is key to having a happy, well-adjusted pup. But what does socialisation really mean? In short, it’s the process of getting your dog used to different people, animals, and environments.

Dogs are social creatures that need to interact with other dogs and people regularly to stay happy and healthy. However, not all socialisation is created equal.

For example, letting your dog off the leash at the local dog park can be a recipe for disaster. Your dog may be anxious or aggressive, and he or she may also pick up bad habits from the other dogs at the park.

Instead, socialisation should be structured to allow your dog to interact safely and calmly with other dogs and people. This can be done through obedience training classes, play dates with well-socialised dogs, and positive reinforcement.

While puppies typically start socialisation around 3-4 weeks of age, it’s important to continue socialising your dog throughout their life. Dogs of all ages can benefit from meeting new people and animals and exploring new places.

There are a number of different ways to socialise your dog. One easy way is to take them for daily walks in different neighbourhoods or parks. This will help them get used to different types of people and animals, as well as new sights and smells. The most important thing is to do it gradually and at your dog’s own pace. Let them approach new people and animals when ready, and don’t force them into situations that make them feel uncomfortable.

With some patience and effort, you can help your dog learn to love the world around them – and have a lot of fun in the process!

Further Reading/Listening: Why Socialisation Of Your Dog Is Essential

Saying No is not abuse

No is not a bad word. In fact, it can be one of the most important words you ever say to your dog. While it may seem like you’re being mean when you tell your dog no, in reality, you’re setting boundaries and teaching them what is and isn’t acceptable behaviour. And that’s critical for a happy and healthy relationship.

Just like small children, dogs need to know what they can and can’t do. Saying no helps them understand these boundaries. It also lets them know that you love them enough to correct them when they make a mistake. So the next time you feel guilty about saying no to your furry friend, remember that you’re actually doing them a favour.

Further Reading/Listening :

Positive -Only V PunitiveTraining: What happened to the middle ground?

The Science Behind Correction- How To Correct Constructively

Your dog trainer genuinely cares.

You can tell a lot about a person by how they treat their dog. A good dog trainer will have a deep understanding of canine behaviour and will be able to help you develop a trusting, rewarding relationship with your dog. They will be patient and gentle with your dog and will take the time to understand their individual needs. They will also be honest with you about what you can realistically expect from your training sessions.

Most importantly, a good dog trainer genuinely cares about you and your dog. They will want you to succeed and be there to support you every step of the way. With their help, you can overcome any challenges you face and develop a strong bond with your four-legged friend.

Your dog is not deaf, so there is no need to shout.

In fact, studies have shown that dogs can hear frequencies up to four times higher than humans. However, dogs don’t always react to sound in the same way that humans do. For example, a dog’s hearing is much more sensitive to high-pitched sounds, such as a whistle or squeaky toy. As a result, Dogs may not always react to our voices in the way we expect. But that doesn’t mean they’re not listening.

Though we might think they’re deliberately ignoring us when they don’t come when called, for example, more often than not, it’s simply because they haven’t understood what we want them to do.

Dogs rely on both visual and auditory cues to communicate with us, so if we want them to really understand us, it’s important to use both channels. That means using hand signals alongside verbal commands and being conscious of the tone of our voice.

When we shout at our dogs, they can interpret this as a sign of aggression and become scared or defensive. Dogs are attuned to the tone and inflexion of our voices and can often understand what we’re communicating, even if we’re not using words. So the next time you want to get your dog’s attention, try using a gentle tone of voice instead of shouting. And make sure they understand what you are asking. You might be surprised at how well they respond.

Which have these ten things have made a difference for you? Comment below

What Your Dog Is Trying to Tell You on International Dog Day

Happy International Dog Day! Today is a day to celebrate our four-legged friends and learn more about what they are trying to tell us. Dogs use their body language to communicate with us, and it’s important to understand what they are saying. In this blog post, we will discuss some common things dogs try to tell us and how to interpret their signals. We will also share some tips on creating a better relationship with your dog based on communication. Thanks for celebrating International Dog Day with us!

What is International Dog Day, and why do we celebrate it?

Every August 26th, dog lovers around the world celebrate International Dog Day. But what exactly is this holiday, and why do we celebrate it? International Dog Day was founded in 2004 by pet and events planner Colleen Paige.

The holiday is meant to recognise the benefits that dogs bring to our lives and promote adoptions from shelters and rescues. In addition, the day provides an opportunity to reflect on how we can better care for our furry friends.

For example, we can make sure to provide them with plenty of exercises, proper nutrition, and plenty of love and affection. By commemorating International Dog Day, we can remind ourselves of everything that makes our canine companions so special.

What are some common things dogs try to tell us through their body language?

Dogs are communicative creatures that try to tell us a lot through their body language. Some common things they try to communicate include when they are happy, when they are sad, when they are hungry when they want to play, and when they are tired.

One way to build a better relationship with your dog is to learn their body language.

  • Dogs will often wag their tails when they are happy and excited.
  • When dogs are feeling afraid or insecure, they may tuck their tails between their legs.
  • A dog who is trying to assert dominance will often stand tall and put their head up high.
  • If a dog feels playful, they might jump around and wag their tail rapidly.
  • When a dog is tense or anxious, they may lick their lips or pant heavily.
  • Yawning or showing their teeth can be a sign that a dog is feeling threatened.
  • Dogs may also raise their hackles (the hair on their back) when they are feeling aggressive.

By paying attention to our dogs’ body language, we can better understand what they are trying to say and respond accordingly.

A dog’s ears, eyes, mouth, tail, and posture can all convey a range of emotions, from happiness and excitement to fear and aggression. By understanding these various signals, you can better communicate with your dog and keep them safe in different situations.

For example, a dog who is feeling scared or threatened may tuck their tail between their legs and lower their body to the ground. On the other hand, a dog who is feeling playful will likely have a relaxed posture with their tail held high. If you’re ever unsure about how your dog feels, just ask them – they’ll be more than happy to tell you!

Five Other Surprising Facts About Dogs

  1. Dogs have three eyelids: one for blinking, one for keeping the eye moist, and one to protect the eye from debris.
  2. Dogs have a third eyelid, called a nictitating membrane or “haw,” that serves to protect their eyes.
  3. Dogs use their tails for balance, communication, and to help with navigation.
  4. The tail is also used as a counterbalance when a dog changes direction at high speed.
  5. Dogs have sweat glands in their paws, which help them to regulate their body temperature.

Additional Resources About Dog Communication

How To Reset A Training Exercise: Helping Dogs Learn Through Patience and Repetition


Episode 51 : Why you teach your dog manners: Behaviour Versus Training

Manners. We all expect them from others, especially those we interact with daily. But what about our four-legged friends? Like humans, teaching your dog manners makes for a much more pleasant experience for everyone involved. This podcast and blog post will discuss the difference between training and behaviour and why your dog needs both!

  1. What are manners, and why do dogs need them?
  2. The difference between training and behaviour
  3. Where to start when training manners
  4. Ways to correct bad manners in dogs
  5. Tips for establishing good manners in your dog

Podcast Episode:

What are dog manners, and why do dogs need them?

Manners are a set of social behaviours that allow us to interact politely with others. They help us to avoid potentially awkward or offensive situations and can make us feel more comfortable in social settings.

Dogs need manners for many of the same reasons that we do. They help them to interact safely and politely with other dogs and people and can make them feel more comfortable in new environments. Just as importantly, good manners help to create positive first impressions, which can be essential for dogs who are meeting new people or visiting new places.

Teaching your dog manners is a great way to invest in their future happiness and success. It’s also a lot of fun! Training dogs to do super cool-looking tricks, fancy heelwork, snappy moves, and creative skills, in whatever that sport or skill set may be, is also fun but does not necessarily mean that the dog is well-behaved, obedient, or relaxed in the home.

One of the most common things we see missing in most of dogs we see with behavioural problems is self-control. Many of these dogs are overstimulated and unable to switch off; they are constantly over-arousal. The owners are often unaware of the value of teaching the dog to switch off.

High-energy activities like agility, running, and other sports or hobbies may (temporarily) wear the dog out, but will they result in a calm, relaxed, well-behaved dog in the home in the long run? Probably not. You are more likely to be creating an athlete, and your dog will likely get fitter and fitter.

The difference between training and dog manners

Dogs are wonderful creatures that bring joy into our lives. They provide us with companionship, unconditional love, and hours of fun. But as any dog owner knows, they also require a lot of work. Training a dog is essential for ensuring that they grow up to be well-behaved members of the family. But what exactly is the difference between training and good behaviour?

Training is about teaching your dog specific commands and behaviours. This can include everything from teaching them to sit and stay to more complex tricks or obedience exercises. Good behaviour, on the other hand, is about your dog behaving in a manner acceptable to you and those around them.

Dog Manners include things like:

  • Not jumping up on people
  • Not begging for food
  • Not chewing furniture
  • Barking
  • Not Settling
  • And so on.

While training is certainly important, good behaviour is what ultimately makes a happy and well-adjusted dog. And that’s something that every dog owner can strive for.

Many dogs do very well with well-structured high-energy hobbies and do benefit from them, but there are also dogs, especially those with behavioural problems related to a lack of self-control, who do not. These dogs would benefit more from slowing down, learning self-control, and learning how to relax and switch off.

Self-control is incredibly important; it gives the dog the ability to self-manage. A dog with self-control is often far more relaxed and able to make better choices. They are in a calmer mindset and, as a result, less likely to make inappropriate choices or display inappropriate behaviours.

Where to start when training your dog manners

Training your dog manners is a great way to build a bond of trust and respect between you and your furry friend. And it’s never too late to start! The most important thing is to be consistent in your commands and rewards so that your dog knows what behaviour you’re looking for. Here are a few basic tips to get you started:

1. Always use the same word or phrase when asking your dog to do something, like ‘sit’ or ‘stay’. This will help them understand what you want them to do.

2. Be patient and praise your dog when you’ve asked them to do something, like sitting still or coming when called. This will encourage them to keep up the good work!

3. Be consistent with your rules – if you don’t want your dog on the couch, then make sure everyone in the family knows not to let them up there. Consistency will help your dog understand what’s expected of them.

With a little patience and consistency, you’ll be well on your way to training your dog manners in no time! Teaching dogs to relax, be calm, and chill out is very often overlooked, yet it is incredibly important for their wellbeing.

This does not mean you can’t have fun with your dog. We have lots of fun with our dogs every day, and we absolutely believe in and understand the importance of appropriate levels of exercise, play, and mental stimulation.

If your dog is displaying undesirable behaviours and your trainer is only recommending more exercise, distraction techniques or more mental stimulation, they are very likely missing some vital pieces of advice.

Final Thoughts On Dog Manners

If you’re looking to train your dog manners, be sure to check out our courses for more tips! From basic to more complex commands, we’ll help you get started on the right foot. And remember, be patient and consistent – with a little practice, your dog will be well on their way to being a well-behaved family member!

Suggested Courses

Hot Mess Handler


The Science Behind Constructive Correction

What to Expect When Your Puppy Turns into a Teenager

Puppies are adorable, and it’s no wonder that so many people choose to get one. However, many people don’t realise that puppies grow up and can be in for a surprise when their puppy turns into a teenager. Adolescence in dogs can be challenging for owners and their four-legged friends.

Adolescence is defined as the period of life between puberty and adulthood, and for dogs, this can occur anywhere from six to eighteen months of age. During this time, dogs can exhibit a variety of behaviours that may be unfamiliar or even concerning to their owners, such as testing boundaries.

In this podcast and blog post, we discuss what to expect when your puppy becomes a teenager. We’ll give you tips on handling the changes your dog is going through and how to help them adjust to their new stage of life!

Podcast Episode:

When does adolescence start in dogs?

There’s no definitive answer to when adolescence starts in dogs, as it can vary depending on the individual dog. However, most experts agree that it generally begins around six months of age. At this point, your pup will go through a lot of changes – both physical and behavioural. They may become more independent and rebellious and may start testing your rules and boundaries. This is all normal behaviour for an adolescent dog, and with patience and guidance, they will eventually grow out of it.

The changes that take place in a dog’s body when they turn into teenagers.

Around the age of six months, dogs begin to enter adolescence. At this time, they may start to pull on their leash, mouth their owners and test boundaries. This is normal behaviour for adolescent dogs, but it can be frustrating for owners who are used to a well-behaved puppy. Understanding the changes that take place in a dog’s body during adolescence can help owners better manage their expectations and provide the appropriate amount of training and supervision.

During adolescence, dogs experience a surge in hormones that can cause them to behave differently than they did as puppies. For example, they may become more independent and less likely to listen to commands. They may also start to challenge their owners for dominance, which can lead to problems if not adequately addressed. Adolescent dogs also have more energy than puppies and may need more exercise to prevent them from becoming bored or destructive.

The challenges that come with adolescence in dogs.

The transition from puppyhood to adolescence is an exciting time for both dogs and their owners. However, it can also be challenging as dogs begin to assert their independence and explore the world around them. As a result, owners must be prepared for a few potential challenges.

First, adolescent dogs may test their limits by chewing on furniture or engaging in other destructive behaviours.

Second, they may become more resistant to training as they start to push against the rules that have been established for them. Their recall may deteriorate.

Their behaviour around other dogs and situations may change. Even if they have been great up until now, this may now become fearful or boisterous, or both.

Finally, adolescent dogs may become more aloof and independent, preferring to spend time alone rather than with their owner. While these challenges can be frustrating, they are part of normal maturation.

Top Tips for helping with adolescence in dogs.

Here are a few extra tips to help you and your pup adjust to this new stage of life; make sure to listen to the podcast for LWDG Group expert Claire Denyer’s top tips too:

1. Establish rules and boundaries early on. Adolescent dogs are full of energy and need firm, consistent guidance to learn what behaviours are acceptable.

2. Make sure to provide plenty of exercises. Regular exercise will help your adolescent dog burn off excess energy and stay calm indoors.

3. Socialise with structure. It’s important for adolescent dogs to meet other dogs and people in a variety of situations so that they learn how to behave appropriately in different environments.

4. Be patient and understanding. Remember that your adolescent dog is still learning and growing, and making mistakes is part of the process. However, with patience, love, and guidance, your adolescent dog will become a well-adjusted family member in no time!

Do you need help with your training?

Whether you want your gundog to be an expert in the field or simply a well-behaved family member, training a gundog is hugely rewarding. But if it’s your first time training a gundog, you may find it incredibly difficult too. The feeling is not uncommon; it’s one shared with most owners. We wanted to help people at the beginning of their gundog journey to get it right, so we created the Hot Mess Handler… Read More Here


The Glorious 12th: A Guide to Grouse Shooting in the UK

If you’re looking to get out in the fresh air and enjoy a quintessentially British sporting activity, look no further than grouse shooting. The Glorious 12 August sees the start of the grouse shooting season in the UK, and it’s an excellent opportunity to experience this unique pastime. In this article, we’ll provide an overview of what grouse shooting is all about, as well as some tips on how to get started.

What are Grouse

Grouse are a family of birds that includes ptarmigans and fowls. There are about 20 different species of grouse, which are found in North America, Europe, Asia and Africa. Grouse tend to be stocky birds with short legs, and many species have colourful plumage. The males of some species also have an elaborate courtship display, which involves strutting and making loud noises.

The most well-known grouse species is the red grouse, found in parts of the UK and Ireland. Grouse are hunted for sport in many parts of the world and are also popular as a game bird for shooting.


What is grouse shooting, and why is it so popular in the UK?

Grouse shooting is a popular sport in the UK, and it’s easy to see why. What could be more exhilarating than taking down a fast-flying bird with a well-placed shot? Add in the stunning scenery of the UK countryside, and it’s no wonder that grouse shooting is such a popular pastime.

Of course, grouse shooting isn’t just about the thrill of the hunt. It’s also an important economic activity, supporting the rural economy and providing employment for many people. In addition, grouse shooting helps to maintain healthy populations of game birds, which are an important part of the ecosystem.

Why is Grouse Hunting considered a traditional sport in the UK?

Grouse hunting has been a traditional sport in the UK for centuries. The red grouse is the only bird native to the UK and is an important part of British culture. Hunting grouse helps to control their population and prevent them from damaging crops and property. It also provides a valuable food source and income for many rural families.

In addition, grouse hunting is an integral part of the UK economy, with millions of pounds being spent on equipment, lodging, and other associated costs each year. This money goes a long way to supporting the local economy and helps to sustain many jobs in rural areas. For all these reasons, grouse hunting is an important tradition that should be protected and supported.

There is a wonderful download from Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust if you want to understand more about the conservation aspect.

FREE GUIDE – Conservation and Grouse Moors

Download THE GWCT essential FREE 6-page guide on conservation and grouse moors, extracted from the pages of their bestselling book The Moorland Balance.

How do you get started with grouse shooting, and what are the basics you need to know?

If you’re new to grouse shooting, starting out can be daunting. There are many things to consider – from firearms and equipment to safety and etiquette. But don’t worry, we’re here to help. In this article, we’ll run through some of the basics of grouse shooting so that you can confidently hit the moors.

Firstly, let’s talk about firearms. If you’re going to be doing any shooting, you’ll need to have a gun that is fit for purpose. When it comes to grouse shooting, shotguns are generally the weapon of choice. But it’s important to make sure that your shotgun is suitable for the job. For example, if you’re going to be doing a lot of walking, you might want to consider a lighter gun. Alternatively, if you’re going to be shooting over longer distances, you might want to look at something with more power. Whichever route you go down, make sure that you get expert advice so that you end up with a gun that is right for you.


Secondly, let’s talk about equipment. In addition to a firearm, there are a few other things that you’ll need before heading out onto the moors. Firstly, you’ll need ammunition. This will depend on what type of gun you’re using – but make sure you have enough to last the day. Secondly, you’ll need some form of hearing protection. Shooting can be very loud, and your hearing could be at risk without proper protection. Thirdly, you might want to invest in a good pair of walking boots. Grouse shooting often involves a lot of walking over rugged terrain, so ensure your feet are well-protected.

Lastly, let’s talk about safety and etiquette. Firstly, always make sure that your firearm is unloaded when not in use – and never point it at anything that you don’t intend to shoot. Secondly, always be aware of where your fellow shooters are – and make sure that you don’t put them in any danger. Lastly, remember that grouse shooting is often seen as a traditional sport – so try to act accordingly. Finally, be respectful of both the game and your fellow shooters, and remember that safety should always come first.

What are the best times of year to go grouse shooting, and where are the best places to do it in the UK?

Grouse shooting season in the UK typically runs from 12 August to 10 December. Many factors will affect when and where you can shoot grouse, such as the weather, the availability of Shoot days, and the popularity of game birds. The best time to shoot grouse is often early in the season when fewer people are around and the birds are less wary. Late summer and autumn are also good times to go, as the leaves on the trees provide good camouflage.

The best places to shoot grouse in the UK are usually in upland areas such as Scotland, Wales and the North of England. These areas offer a variety of terrain and vegetation, which can provide good cover for grouse. In addition, these areas usually have a higher density of grouse, making it more likely that you will encounter a shooting opportunity.

Places You Will Find Red Grouse Across the UK

Red grouse can be found in lots of places as their UK Conservation Status is currently Green with approximately 265,000 breeding pairs. These are areas you can find ( though not necessarily shoot) them.

What kind of clothing do you need for grouse shooting, and what should you wear on a typical outing?

When it comes to grouse shooting, there are a few key things to keep in mind in terms of clothing. First and foremost, you need to dress for the weather. This means layering up in colder months and wearing lighter clothing in warmer months. It’s also important to wear clothing that won’t stand out too much against the natural surroundings. Muted colours like dark green, brown, and grey are ideal. Finally, you need to make sure your clothing is comfortable and unrestrictive so you can move freely and without restriction.

With these things in mind, let’s take a look at some of the best clothing choices for grouse shooting in the UK. A thick woollen sweater over a collared shirt is an excellent option in colder months. Pair this with a comfortable pair of breeches and boots or Wellies, and you’ll be set. For warmer months, a tailored shirt with a lightweight jacket is ideal. Khaki trousers or chinos paired with walking boots will complete the look while keeping you comfortable.

Watch Sorrell Millers’ course on What To Wear When Working Your Dog for other ideas on clothing options.

What can you expect when you’re out there in the field?

When you’re out in the field, be patient and stay alert. Grouse are notoriously elusive, so it takes a lot of persistence to bag one. In addition, grouse tend to stick to cover and move only short distances, so if you’re not paying attention, you’ll miss them. But if you’re patient and keep your eyes open, you’ll eventually get your chance.

What recipes can be cooked with grouse?

The grouse is a versatile game bird that can be cooked in various ways. One popular method is to roast the bird whole. This allows the skin to crisp up while the meat remains moist and juicy.

Grouse can also be braised, grilled, or even made into a stew. It is important to cook it slowly and at a low temperature so that the meat does not dry out.

When it comes to recipes, the sky is the limit with grouse. Just about anything can be adapted to accommodate this delicious bird. So get creative and enjoy! Wonderful grouse recipes can be found here.

You may also want to read: Why is the Twelfth so glorious?

All things tweed, country and community – The Importance Of Game Fairs In Our Rural Community

If you’re a lover of dogs, chances are you are a lover of all things country; then, maybe you’ll have already visited at least one game fair this year.

Of course, the main one in the UK is The Game Fair, held at Ragley Hall in Warwickshire in July, but also this year is the Welsh Game Fair, which is being held for the first time near Bangor in Gwynedd on September 9th-11th, 2022.

LWDG Founder Jo Perrott and Foxy pheasant Founder Amanda Harris-Lea talk about all things tweed, country and community as they talk about visiting the Game Fair events in the country’s calendar from both a business and personal perspective.

Podcast Edition:

Visiting The Game Fair

As a business, both of us have found that game fairs are a great way to raise awareness of our brand and to meet like-minded people who love the countryside as much as we do.

It’s also an opportunity to stock up on supplies for our dogs and for Amanda’s farm! As countryside lovers, it’s also a great event for socialising with our friends too.

What is a Game Fair?

Game fairs are essential events for the countryside and businesses. In addition, the fairs are an excellent way for many countryside businesses to promote their products and services, providing a significant economic boost for the rural economy.

They allow companies like ours to meet some of the community of followers supporting us online. It also allows us to promote our products like our LWDG Baxer Tweed, made by Foxy Pheasant and to explain services like the LWDG Society Membership to many people from different parts of the country.

Foxy Pheasant Founder Amanda Harris with, Field and Fireside Founder Sue Lister and LWDG Founder Joanne Perrott

Catching up with our personal and professional communities

Countryside game fairs events play an important role in networking. Attending these events is always great because you never know who you might meet.

For example, you might meet someone who owns a business you have always wanted to work with or someone else who is also listening to the LWDG POD DOG. The variety of communities you come in contact with is enormous!

If you take the time to network at these events, you can make valuable connections that can help you in your career. In addition, networking at these events can also help you to meet new friends and expand your social circle.

Top Tips For Those Attending Game Fairs

Game fairs are an excellent opportunity to try new things, meet new people, and have a lot of fun. Here are a few tips to make the most of your experience:

  • Plan ahead and research the features that will be available. That way, you can go into the fair with a clear idea of what you want to watch and who you want to visit.
  • Don’t hesitate to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. You may be surprised at how much fun you have.
  • Make sure to visit the different exhibitors and booths. There’s always lots of great stuff to see and do, and you never know what you might find.
  • Take advantage of any special offers or promotions that are available. Many game fairs offer discounts on tickets or merchandise, so it’s worth checking out.
  • And finally, have fun! That’s what game fairs are all about, so enjoy yourself.

The Importance of Supporting Our Rural Communities

Rural communities are the backbone of our world. They provide us with food, fibre, energy, and essential goods and services. They are also the places where we enjoy leisure activities and find a sense of belonging. Yet, rural communities are often overlooked and underserved. This is especially true in developing countries, where poverty is usually more severe in rural areas.

Lack of access to education, health care, and other basic services leaves many rural residents behind. In addition, large companies often exploit rural communities, taking advantage of their lack of resources and knowledge. This leads to environmental degradation, social inequality, and economic decline.

We must do better to support our rural communities all over the world. We must provide them with the resources they need to thrive. Likewise, supporting small rural businesses is hugely important. We must listen to their voices and work together to build a more just and sustainable future. Only then can we hope to achieve true global prosperity.

The Importance of Supporting Our Game Fairs

Our game fairs have been a staple in our community for as long as anyone can remember. They provide a place for us to come together and celebrate our love of the outdoors. They also give us an opportunity to support the local businesses that make our fairs possible. We can show our support for the hard-working men and women who make them happen by visiting our game fairs. We can also enjoy some of the best food, drink, and entertainment our community offers.

Game fairs are also a vital part of our culture and heritage. They provide an opportunity for us to come together, celebrate our love of the countryside, and showcase Britain’s best. From traditional field sports to modern clay shooting, game fairs have something for everyone.

By spending our money on local businesses and supporting the work of conservation charities like Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust  (GWCT), we can help to ensure that game fairs are here to stay. So if you’re a lover of the great outdoors, make sure you don’t miss your local game fair this year. It could be the most important thing you do all year.

Final Thoughts

It’s more important than ever to support our local businesses and rural communities. Our game fairs are a vital part of our culture and heritage and provide a place for us to come together and celebrate our love of the outdoors.

Which game fair will you be visiting this year? Let us know in the comments below.

Training A Gundog Should be Fun: Learn The 9 Foundational Cues Online with Our Hot Mess Handler Course

Whether you want your gundog to be an expert in the field or simply a well-behaved family member, training a gundog is hugely rewarding. But if it’s your first time training a gundog, you may find it incredibly difficult too. The feeling is not uncommon; it’s one shared with most owners. We wanted to help people at the beginning of their gundog journey to get it right, so we created the Hot Mess Handler.

Introducing the LWDG Hot Mess Handler Course

Gundog training doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, with the proper guidance, it can be downright enjoyable!

Our Gundog Experts have put together a nine-step foundation program that covers everything you need to know to get started on the path to success. And best of all, it’s designed to be easy to follow, even if you feel overwhelmed and frustrated.

So don’t wait any longer. Get the guidance you need to succeed with your gundog training. Then, let our Gundog Experts help you build a solid foundation for success.

The nine cues you’ll need to train your gundog.

Training a gundog is an essential part of owning one. It helps to build the bond between you and your dog, and it also helps to keep your dog safe when out in the field. The Hot Mess Handler course is a great way to learn the nine cues that every gun dog should know. These cues include Sit and Wait, Self Control, Effective Recall, Steadiness, Retrieving, Heelwork, Stop Whistle, Hunting and Directional Commands. The course is designed to be fun and engaging for both you and your dog, and it is a great way to build your bond with your gundog.

Why it should be fun for both you and your dog when training a gundog

Despite the very serious culture surrounding training a gundog, training a gundog should be an enjoyable experience for you and your dog. After all, it’s a chance to bond with your canine companion while teaching them new skills.

And what could be more rewarding than watching your dog learn and progress? So while it’s important to be patient and consistent when training a gundog, it’s also important to have fun.

Dogs are more likely to learn when they’re having fun, so make sure to keep things positive. Treats can be a great way to reward your dog for a job well done, and praise is always appreciated. If you’re both having fun, the training process will be much more enjoyable – and successful!

The benefits of training your gundog with our online course

Our online course offers a convenient and effective way to train your gundog. The course is designed by experienced dog trainers, covering everything from basic obedience to gundog field skills. In addition, the course is affordable and can be completed at your own pace. With our online course, you can be sure your gundog will be well-trained and ready for your next hunting trip or just for a walk to the nearest park.

The course is interactive and engaging, with lots of practical exercises to help you get the most out of your training sessions. There is also a forum where you can ask questions, share experiences and connect with other gundog owners.

Training your gundog can be hugely rewarding for you and your dog. The course is easy to follow, and it’s designed to be fun for both you and your dog. You will have lifetime access to the course, and it’s available 24/7 for you to refer back to.

What happens after the course?

It’s entirely up to you. You can continue to practice your commands at home or follow on from the course by taking out LWDG Working Dog Certificate Foundation Level. This will assess your learning and confirm you have made the progress you were looking for. In addition, you will need to complete a practical assessment, judged by LWDG Group Expert Claire Denyer. Claire is a highly experienced and respected Gundog Trainer, having worked with dogs for over many years.

So what are you waiting for? Get started today and build a strong foundation for success with your training.

To find out more about the course, click here 

The LWDG Gundog Holiday Success

July saw our first-ever LWDG Gundog Holiday. I may be wrong but I think this was probably one of, if not the first female-only gundog holiday ever to be run, and it did not disappoint.

On the 23rd of July 2022, twelve ladies and their dogs gathered nervously at Broadoak Training Facility to start three days under the watchful eyes of LWDG Group Experts Claire Denyer and Emma Stevens, along with their fabulous team of helpers.

New Faces

Nearly every lady who attended had never met each other before, yet within minutes were chatting to one another, smiling and doing what the LWDG does best, supporting one another. I was there not only as the Founder of the LWDG but also as a nervous dog handler with my equally as scared spaniel Ella. I’d never been on a gundog holiday, and Ella had only twice before been to a group training session so we were both feeling the pressure I’m sure.

During the Morning briefing, we all introduced ourselves and talked about how nervous we felt. As each lady mentioned her fears, it seemed to help each and every one of us feel a little calmer.

New Training Methods

One of the things I love most about the LWDG live coaching sessions on Zoom is how I learn different ways to approach different challenges. As we started the training I soon realised the gundog holiday would give me the same enjoyment. Not only did Claire and Emma approach training from their own methodologies, but I also watched as different dogs’ sticking points were ironed out.

By the end of the first day, I got to watch with pride as dogs that had never retrieved before, retrieved to hand, and dogs who had never hunted worked over covered ground.

What’s more, all the fear I had felt, and the other ladies had gone too. Every one of us was calmer in our approach, showing more confidence, worrying less when things went wrong and really getting excited when it was going right. And the dogs were loving it.

Day 2 of the Gundog Holiday

As we all got out of our vehicles Sunday morning we met each other as lifelong friends. Everyone was being included, there were smiles everywhere to be seen and chatter about how exhausted both our dogs and ourselves had been the night before. All the training had certainly helped us sleep, and now we were ready for day 2!

Emma and Claire swung into action with just as much energy as the day before. We ran quickly through a refresher on what we had learnt the previous day, and moved on to a morning of teaching stop in the most fun way ever!

I’ve always been careful how much I used my stop whistle, but this morning it was taught in such a refreshing way that I now practice stopping and my dog absolutely loves every moment of it! It’s sharp, fast and fun and if you want to watch the method you can watch Emma’s training video in the ‘Ten Minute Training’ Section of the website.

Later we broke for lunch and as our dogs snoozed in their crates, we sat together enjoying another social session. Throughout the gundog holiday, there were lots of well-timed breaks added in to allow both us and our dogs to digest the training we had just done. I think there’s great value in allowing a dog to absorb what it’s learning.

As we started the afternoon, the small showers that had kept threatening our fun disappeared and left us with yet another glorious afternoon in the Lake District.

Sunday afternoon was full of water though as we worked on training a dog to be steady around water. It was fabulous to be able to test our dog’s self-control as others entered after dummies. Some of us had very calm dogs, and some of us realised we had lots more to do to get our excited friends to calm down, but it was, without doubt, an incredibly valuable learning moment.

We left Sunday Afternoon prouder of our dogs than I think any one of us could have thought possible. They really were a credit to us all.

Monday – Assessment Day

The third day was one where the nerves returned. Into the holiday was built a voluntary option to be assessed by Claire Denyer on the LWDG Working Dog Certificate – Foundation Level. What thrilled me was on Saturday about half the group thought they would like to have a go, but on Monday everyone decided they would give it a shot. Our Working Dog Certificates are robust, the foundation level asks for the very bare minimum that would be needed to even think about taking your dog onto an estate, and its 8 assessment criteria can be hard.

After the assessments, we said goodbye to one another and headed home to await the results.

Driving home from the Gundog Holiday

As I drove the 6 hours home to South Wales I had plenty of time to reflect on what I had experienced both as a participant and as the LWDG business owner.

I am incredibly honoured to have been part of this event, not just from what Ella and I learnt, but for also witnessing first-hand the special friendships LWDG Events form. There’s no one on the holiday that I would now not go for dinner with and I think that’s a great indicator of how well we all connected.

I’m also very humbled to have watched brilliant trainers help frightened owners to have more faith in themselves and in their dogs and to see the rewards that trust brings in such a short time.

I am thankful to everyone involved for the fact they brought to the table a willingness to face their fear and to do it anyway, and their strength helped others to feel braver and vice versa. The positive energy all weekend was an upward spiral of emotion and that gave us all a weekend experience we were incredibly happy with.

I realised my dog is a cheeky monkey and whilst without being nervous on Day 1, by day 2 was milking it for all it was worth providing plenty of amusement for everyone. I could have brought my best dog and wowed everyone with his training ( btw I didn’t train him) but I chose to bring the worst as I knew she would get the most out of it and she certainly did. The fact I felt safe enough to do this speaks volumes about the trainers, helpers and participants who never once judged and instead constantly helped me.

Lastly to Emma and Clair I can only say a huge thank you, your professionalism was wonderful and your support was just as great. We all totally appreciated it.

Certificate Results

Congratulations to:

LWDG Working Dog Foundation Level Certificate
  • Jo Perrott with Ella
  • Amanda Tolan with Effie
  • Carol Ann Parish with Loki
  • Laura Crewe with Betty
  • Amanda Stephens with Ice
  • Stella Adamson with Bandit
  • Ella Reade with Aoife
  • Sarah Drake with Juno
  • Sue Lister with Angus

How to Cash in on Your Puppy’s Love: Improved Bonding from the Start

There’s no doubt about it – puppies are adorable! And, as their human parents, we want to do everything possible to make sure they have a great life. However, one of the most important things you can do is create a strong bond with your pup right from the start. This will help ensure they love and respect you for years. In this podcast and blog post, we’ll discuss some tips for bonding with your puppy – read on to learn more!

There’s an odd confusion within the gundog world that we should not train our pups. But in following this old-fashioned concept, many of us miss out on creating a bond that could make the rest of the dog’s training incredibly easier.

Why is it important to bond with your dog?

Anyone who has owned a dog knows that the bond between humans and animals can be incredibly strong. Dogs are loyal companions who provide unconditional love and support and quickly become cherished family members. For many people, their dog is their best friend. But what makes this bond so special?

Scientists have found that there are a number of reasons why dogs are such good at forming bonds with humans. First of all, dogs have been domesticated for thousands of years, which means that they have evolved to be social creatures. They are hardwired to seek human companionship and enjoy spending time with us.

In addition, dogs share many of the same social cues as humans, which makes communication between species much easier. For example, dogs use eye contact and body language to interact with us, and they can understand many of the same words and commands that we use. This makes it easier for us to form a strong connection with them.

Finally, dogs are incredibly attuned to our emotions. They can sense when we are happy, sad, anxious, or angry and often react accordingly. This empathy creates a deeper level of understanding and communication between humans and dogs, further strengthening our bond.

But perhaps the most important reason dogs are so good at bonding with us is because they want to. They can grow to see us as their parent/leader and want nothing more than to please us. This desire to please is one of the things that make dogs such great companions. No matter what we go through in life, our dogs will always be by our side, ready to offer their love and support.

Bonding With A Puppy

Puppyhood is a crucial time for socialisation and building trust. If we do not work on these things from the beginning, it will be much harder to make up for lost time later.

One of the best ways to bond with your puppy is to spend time together. This means taking them for walks, playing with them, and spending time in their company. It’s also important to be consistent with your affection – don’t only show them, love when they’re being good, but also when they’re misbehaving. Harsh treatment has no place in gundog training. You can correct a dog without being cruel.

So, how can you cash in on your puppy’s love and create a strong bond right from the start? Here are some tips from this week’s podcast from LWDG Group Experts Claire Denyer and Jemma Martin:

  • Spend time bonding with your puppy every day, even if it’s just a few minutes at a time. This will help them get to know you and feel comfortable around you.
  • Make sure to have fun! Dogs are social creatures and love to play.
  • Make your interactions with your puppy positive. This means plenty of praise, petting, and treats! It would help if you were the most exciting thing in your pup’s life.
  • Start training early. This doesn’t mean you have to formalise everything – teach your pup basic obedience commands like sit, down, stay/settle. This will help them learn to live as a happy, calm family member and follow your commands.
  • Be consistent with your rules and boundaries. Puppies (like all dogs) need structure and consistency in their lives. If you are consistent with your expectations, your pup will be more likely to behave accordingly.
  • Make sure you provide plenty of opportunities for exercise and playtime with you. This will help tire your pup out and strengthen your bond.

Bonding with an older dog

If you are considering getting a dog or already have one, it is important to know how to bond with an older one. Dogs crave companionship and want to feel like they are a part of the family, and Bonding with your dog can be a fun and rewarding experience for both of you. However, older dogs may have developed habits where they find being independent more interesting than spending time with you. So, how do you convince an older dog that spending time with you can be just as fun as being on their own?

Here are a few tips:

  • Get them involved in activities: Dogs love to be active, so take them for walks, runs, or even to the dog park. The more they are around you, the more they will feel bonded to you.
  • Play with them: Dogs love to play, so take the time to play fetch or tug-of-war with them. This will help them burn off energy and bond with you at the same time.
  • Give them attention: Make sure you are giving your dog plenty of attention, including petting, belly rubs, and ear scratches. This will help them feel loved and appreciated and more likely to bond with you.
  • Be consistent: It is important to be consistent with your affection and attention. If you constantly come and go or only pay attention to your dog when you want something from them, they will have a harder time bonding with you.

If you follow these tips, you should have no problem bonding with your older dog. Remember to be patient, loving, and consistent; you will develop a strong bond. Bonding with your dog can take time and patience, but it is well worth the effort. A strong bond between you and your dog will create a lifetime of happiness for both of you.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to cashing in on your puppy’s (or your older dog’s) love and creating a solid bond that will last a lifetime.

You may like :

Canine Pregnancy And Puppies

Instilling Confidence and Cues In Your Puppy

Thanks for reading! Do you have any tips for bonding with a gundog? Please share them in the comments below!

The Ladies Working Dog Group BRAND NEW Website Launches Today!

Welcome to the brand new Ladies Working Dog Group membership website!

We are so excited to offer this amazing resource to our members. This new website is packed full of information and resources to help you care for your working dog.

New Website Features!

We have a community and forum area where you can connect with other members and ask questions or share advice without the restrictions of social media sites. You will be able to call a girl dog by the correct term 🙂

We also have a private members-only directory where you can connect with other working dog owners and get support, and advice, and share your photos and experiences.

This website is an incredible resource for anyone who owns or works with a working dog. We are so excited to offer this to our members and we know you will love it!

photo of the new website on a laptop

New Private Podcast for Society Members

We are also launching a private podcast for our members today. This podcast will feature all of our courses in audio format, all of our live coaching, as well as tips, tricks, and advice from our own team of experts.

All Our Content Revamped and Reorganised!

We have an extensive library of articles, videos, and other resources to help you learn everything you need to know about working dogs.  This content has been organised into an easy-to-use format so you can quickly find what you need.

We also have a brand new blog where we will be regularly sharing tips, advice, and stories about working dogs.

If you are not a member yet, what are you waiting for? Join today and get access to all of these amazing resources!

Thank you for being a part of the Ladies Working Dog Group!

Mantrailing: What It Is and Why It’s So Addictive

Mantrailing is a relatively new sport that has taken the world by storm. It is a mixture of tracking and obedience training, and it can be addicting for both dog and handler alike. In this podcast and blog post, we will discuss what mantrailing is, the benefits of doing it, and why so many people are addicted to it!

What is Mantrailing

Mantrailing is a tracking method that relies on a dog’s keen sense of smell. The dog follows a person’s scent from one point to another, allowing the handler to track the individual even over long distances or through rugged terrain. Mantrailing dogs are trained to ignore all other scents and focus solely on the target individual.

Mantrailing dogs are trained to follow a person’s scent, even if they have been in an area where other strong smells are present. The dog starts at the person’s last known location and follows their scent until they find them. This process can be used to find people who are lost in the wilderness or who have been kidnapped or taken against their will. In recent years, man trailing has become increasingly popular, as it offers an exciting way to bond with your dog while providing them with valuable exercise.

Who can do Mantrailing

Mantrailing is an activity that anyone can do with their dog. All you need is a motivated dog willing to follow a scent. The best dogs for mantrailing are those with a strong prey drive and a good sense of smell. However, any dog can be trained to the trail, and many breeds excel at this task.

Mantrailing is often used by law enforcement and search and rescue teams to find missing persons. However, it can also be used for recreation and competition. Many mantrailing clubs across the country offer trails for novice and experienced dogs. Whether you’re looking for an activity to do with your dog or interested in learning more about this skill, Mantrailing is an excellent option.

How it can help you and your dog

Mantrailing is a great way to bond with your dog while getting some exercise. It’s a challenging activity for you and your dog, but it’s also a lot of fun and no need to run! Plus, it’s a great way to socialise with your dog and meet other like-minded people. There are lots of instructors across the UK to go join in with.

What equipment do you need to get started?

Here’s a quick rundown:

First, you’ll need a long lead or leash – at least 15 feet. This will give your dog enough room to move around and sniff the trail without getting tangled up.

Next, you’ll need some sort of Y harness. This will help distribute the weight of the lead evenly and will prevent your dog from getting choked or injured if they pull too hard. A collar is not recommended for mantrailing, as it can strain your dog’s neck unnecessarily.

Finally, you’ll need some scent articles. These can be things like an article of clothing you’ve worn or a toy your dog is familiar with. The scent will help them to start tracking the trail.

With these simple supplies, you’re ready to start mantrailing!

How to find out more about Mantrailing

This is the link to the Mantrailing UK website, where you can find your local instructors.

About Natasha Filler

I am a dog trainer specialising in Mantrailing, scentwork and canicross have been for a couple of years now, after becoming a dog walker specialising in dogs that need space thanks to a very good trainer friend who nudge me in the right direction.

I have owned dogs for many years but have only been to dog sports in the past five years. I currently have four dogs chihuahua who is trained in tricks and hoopers, and two poodles; one has retired after spending four years running with me, completing five marathons, and the other competes in Hoopers, scentwork and cani-sports and my youngest, who is a sprocker, does scentwork cani-sports and gundog work and of course they all Mantrail.

My original background was horse working with them from a young age and going to uni to do equine science. I have owned and competed for many horses over the time, but after losing my last one a few years ago, I couldn’t bring myself to have another.

Dogs, especially gundogs, have always been in my life. My grandad and great uncle both had spaniels and worked them, so it’s in my blood, as they say, and became the natural progression from the horse.

I have been Mantrailing for over two years now, an instructor for just over one year, and an assessor for the past three months. I love the sport as it is suitable for most dogs, from tiny chihuahuas to giant Newfoundlands. Puppies and the golden oldies

It’s even great for dogs that struggle with reactiveness.

Natasha’s Facebook

Watch A Mantrailing Exercise

How to Train a Reluctant Gundog: Retrieving Training Tips

If you have a gundog that is reluctant to retrieve, don’t worry – you’re not alone! Training a dog to retrieve can be difficult, but it’s definitely worth the effort. Reluctant gundog retrieving is a problem many people face.

In this podcast and blog post, LWDG Group Expert Claire Denyer chats with LWDG Founder Jo Perrott as they discuss some tips for improving reluctant gundog training. The podcast covers everything from choosing the right training method to keeping your dog motivated. So whether your dog is new to retrieving or has been struggling with the task, these tips will help!

Podcast Edition:

Motivating your dog and improving reluctant gundog retrieving

Written by Claire Denyer

This is one of the most common problems we see. We spend a lot of our working days working with dogs who have various retrieving problems. It is something we have become very passionate about. We often describe dogs with retrieving problems as ‘reluctant retrievers’

Although gundogs have been bred to retrieve, certain elements appear to be more exciting and come more naturally in some dogs than others. Many gundogs enjoy carrying things around in their mouth (and this shouldn’t be discouraged) and most gundogs enjoy the chase (this is where the prey drive kicks in) but the piece where things often seem to go wrong is on the return to you. Without a doubt, this is the part is where we find most issues occur.

Causes for Reluctant Gundog Retrieving Problems

There are several causes for retrieving problems, ranging from:

  • too much retrieving too young
  • formalising the retrieve too early
  • telling dogs off for picking things up around the house
  • and harsh handling.

Sometimes it’s down to something the handler has done or is doing, sometimes not. Either way, it’s often a skill that needs developing with time and patience.

Reluctant Gundog Retrieving Symptoms

Some of the symptoms, or behaviours you may see in reluctant gundog retrieving:

  • Dog’s not picking up the retrieve
  • Losing interest or seeming distracted once they have located the retrieve
  • Spitting out the dummy
  • Playing keep away

The good news is that, with a little patience and training, most dogs with reluctant retriever symptoms can overcome their problem and learn to enjoy retrieving.

Tips for Improving Your Dog Retrieving

Here are some of our tips if you are working with a reluctant retriever:

  • Make sure you have a good recall before you start retrieving. If your dog has a poor recall they are more likely to have a poor return with the retrieve.
  • When your young gundog picks things up around the house encourage them to bring them to you and praise them for doing so rather than telling them off. Take care not to tell your dog off for picking things up or you chase the dog to get it back, this can easily contribute to retrieve problems such as reluctance to pick up or running off and playing keep away.
  • Whenever your dog picks something up say “hold” and praise the dog.
  • Don’t put steadiness in too early, let young gundog have fun and develop a passion for retrieving. With dogs under 7 months old, we let them have lots of retrieving fun with informal retrieves.
  • If your dog is lacking motivation and drive when you send them for a retrieve, take the brakes off and make retrieving fun. Spend some time reigniting their prey drive. Puppy or informal retrieves and play help with this.
  • Work out what motivates your dog and what play they enjoy for this to work.

reluctant gundog retrieving

Common Mistakes When Working On Reluctant Gundog Retrieving.

One common mistake that people make is trying to force a dog to hold. This usually results in the dog becoming scared or frustrated, and it can make them unwilling to retrieve in the future. Instead of forcing a dog to hold, it’s better to let them approach it at their own pace.

If your dog is spitting the dummy or refusing to pick it up engage in games. Playing catch (a tennis ball or a favourite toy is good for this) will encourage most dogs to hold an item. Start by teasing the dog and then when he wants it to throw the ball to him when he catches the ball say hold and make a big fuss of him so he knows you are happy. Don’t force a hold. This really won’t motivate the dog.

Motivating Your Dog

Most dogs won’t be motivated by the ball or dummy being waved around in front of their face, so, keep the item low and encourage play that simulates chase, dogs like to chase it ignites their prey drive.

If you feel you may have “overtrained” the retrieve give your dog a week off retrieving. In serious cases of dogs that have lost their desire to retrieve, we may recommend taking away retrieves for a few weeks! During that time we will encourage playing catch, and find it, and even carrying an article on a walk for short periods of time.

We don’t expect a “formal” and “steady” retrieve with perfect deliveries of dogs under 7 months of age, we allow puppy retrieves and fun games to build and retain enthusiasm.

With specific problems training aids like a retrieving roll or prey, a dummy can help a reluctant retriever. these can be especially good training aids to improve delivery to hand with a food-obsessed dog.

When reintroducing the retrieve start with something the dog really wants (a tennis ball or a favourite toy) and start to add other interesting items, don’t just work with a dummy.

Ideas for maintaining drive and desire to improve reluctant gundog retrieving:

  • Don’t over-retrieve (a few sessions a week is more than enough for most dogs, especially those who were previously reluctant retrievers)
  • Don’t do too many retrieves in 1 session (leave your dog wanting more)
  • Let your dog watch an enthusiastic retriever at work without giving him a retrieve.
  • Finally, remember that fetch is meant to be fun! Show your dog lots of love and praise when they bring the dummy back to you. With a little patience and some positive reinforcement, your reluctant retriever will be bringing you the ball in no time.

Do you have any tips of your own for training reluctant retrievers, we would love to hear them in the comments below! And if you need more help, our Gundog Training experts are always on hand to offer advice within our LWDG Society membership.

Happy training!

Further Learning:

Course: Reluctant Retriever

Course: Building Confidence On Blind Retrieves

Developing And Maintaining Your Dogs Desire To Retrieve


The Coming UK Pheasant Season – What We Need To Know

The pheasant season is just around the corner, and with it comes a flurry of activity. In this week’s podcast and blog post, we chat with Louisa Clutterbuck from the British Game Assurance to look at some of the critical issues affecting the supply and demand for pheasants this year and how communication is essential throughout the shooting industry.

This Weeks Show Notes:

How This Season Is Being Affected By Lack Of Birds

This year, the avian flu outbreak in France has reduced the number of game bird eggs and poults exported to the UK. The French authorities have said that before eggs can be exported to a non-EU country again, there will need to be a 90-day surveillance period. This means that eggs from France will not be able to be imported to the UK in time for this season.

This has meant that shooting estates have had to look for alternative sources of game, which has put pressure on the already stretched resources of the game industry.

It is also important to remember that although the pheasant season may be reduced this year, there is still consumer demand for game birds. Therefore, even in a reduced season, it is important to keep marketing game birds to consumers. One way of doing this is through the Eat Wild campaign, which promotes the consumption of wild game meat.

Another way of ensuring a successful season is by ensuring that shoots involved in the industry are members of the British Game Assurance. The BGA is a self-regulatory body that sets standards for the game industry.

The Eat Wild Consumer Campaign

We must keep marketing game meat even during reduced seasons like the one we are currently experiencing. The Eat Wild – consumer campaign to eat game meat can help us in several ways.

First, it helps to educate people about the benefits of game meat. Wild game is a healthy, sustainable, and ethical source of protein.

Second, the Eat Wild campaign can help increase game meat demand. This is important because even though the pheasant season may be reduced this year, there is still a demand for game birds.

Lastly, the Eat Wild campaign helps to support British gamekeepers and game farmers. By promoting the consumption of game meat, we are helping sustain the industry and the livelihoods of those working in it.

How Gamekeepers support natural habitats

Gamekeepers play an essential role in supporting natural habitats. By managing and protecting game populations, gamekeepers help ensure that ecosystems remain healthy and diverse.

In addition, gamekeepers often create and maintain habitat features that benefit other wildlife. By supporting natural habitats in these ways, gamekeepers help ensure that the world around us is a little bit greener and more beautiful.

Many Gamekeepers have lost their jobs this year, with estates deciding not to open. So we must check on those we know to see if there’s any way we can help. The Gamekeepers Welfare Trust exists to support gamekeepers, stalkers and ghillies, and their dependents past and present.

Why should the shooting industry sign up for self-regulation with the British Game Assurance?

The shooting industry should sign up for self-regulation for several reasons. First and foremost, it would help to improve the industry’s image. Second, self-regulation would show the public that the industry is serious about safety and is willing to take responsibility for its products.

In addition, self-regulation would help create a level playing field for all businesses in the industry. It would also help ensure that only products that meet high standards are sold to consumers.

Finally, self-regulation would help to protect the industry from government intervention. By demonstrating a commitment to safety and responsibility, the industry would be in a better position to ward off any future attempts at regulation.

The British Game Assurance

The British Game Assurance is a self-regulatory body that sets standards for the game industry. The BGA is committed to promoting best practices within the industry and ensuring that only products of the highest quality are sold to consumers. The BGA also works to protect the industry from government intervention.

To become a member of the BGA, shoots must meet specific standards. These standards are designed to ensure that only products of the highest quality are sold to consumers.

External Links

FB: britishgameassurance / letseatwild

Insta: britishgameassurance / letseatwild

Twitter: britishgame / letseatwild

About Our Guest Louisa Clutterbuck, British Game Assurance

Louisa joined the BGA in the early stages and brings with her a wealth of administration, marketing and business skills. Having grown up in the heart of the Herefordshire countryside, she is passionate that country pursuits incorporate the latest developments in their field to create a sustainable future for all. A passion for food ignited by a Leiths cooking course, she enjoys creating new game recipes to share with friends. Louisa is excited to be part of a cause she believes so strongly in.

You may also like to read: How To Limit Food Waste & Improve Sustainable Pheasant Consumption

Barking up the Right Tree: Equality and Diversity in Gundog Training

Today, we’re delving into a topic that isn’t just close to our hearts but absolutely pivotal to transforming our shared passion – the incredible importance of embracing equality and diversity in gundog training. Now, what do we mean when we say ‘equality and diversity’? Well, it’s all about recognising and cherishing the unique strengths, skills, and traits of every breed and individual dog, including our often-overlooked crossbreeds. It also extends to acknowledging the wide variety of techniques and perspectives different trainers bring to the table, irrespective of their gender. Intrigued? I bet you are! So, let’s jump right in and unpack this.

The Concept of Equality and Diversity in Gundog Training

First things first, let’s debunk some myths. I’m sure you’ve all heard the old stereotypes – ‘Labradors are the best retrievers’, ‘Only male trainers can handle gundogs effectively’, and so on. However, aren’t these restrictive? Aren’t these casting our vibrant, varied gundog world in monochrome? Ladies, each breed and each individual dog is unique, boasting a spectrum of innate skills that can be sharpened with thoughtful, tailored training. Furthermore, trainers themselves hail from a plethora of backgrounds, each bringing fresh and exciting perspectives to the training process.

The Power of Crossbreeds in Gundog Training

Crossbreeds often bring a unique blend of skills and strengths to the hunting field. Their mixed lineage often endows them with versatility and adaptability, making them as competent as their purebred counterparts. Let’s challenge the myth that crossbreeds are any less capable and give them the recognition they deserve in our training practices and competitions.

The Role of Female Handlers in Gundog Training

While the gundog world has traditionally been dominated by male trainers, it’s important we continue to recognise and celebrate the incredible women making waves in this sphere. Female handlers bring unique perspectives and techniques, often leading to innovative training approaches and remarkable performances in the field. It’s essential that we continue to foster an inclusive environment where female trainers are respected and their contributions acknowledged. Gender should never be a barrier to success in gundog training.

The Benefits of Equality and Diversity in Gundog Training

So, what happens when we acknowledge and celebrate the individual strengths of different breeds, crossbreeds, and their diverse roles in hunting and retrieving? Magic, that’s what! Recognising and harnessing these diverse strengths can elevate our hunting experience like never before. Moreover, respecting each dog’s unique personality and style fosters a healthier, more fulfilling trainer-dog relationship. Let’s not forget that when we broaden our horizons, our gundog teams become more versatile, and this versatility often leads to more effective results in the field. As you hear us say over and over, every dog is different and this individuality is what we should work with. A spaniel may be the best retriever in your team, and a hpr your best hunting dog. Work to your dog’s strengths not just the breed.

Challenges to Achieving Equality and Diversity in Gundog Training

However, it’s not always a walk in the park. We must acknowledge the hurdles in our path. Deep-seated stereotypes and biases in the gundog community can sometimes cloud our vision, making it tough to see beyond certain breeds or training methodologies. Similarly, the traditional training approach, with its one-size-fits-all attitude, isn’t always inclusive of all gundog types.

Practical Steps to Promote Equality and Diversity in Gundog Training

So, how can we catalyse this transformation? It begins with us, the trainers and owners, taking the initiative to educate ourselves about different breeds, their unique abilities, and their potential. Adapting our training techniques to suit individual dogs, instead of relying on a one-size-fits-all approach, can open up new vistas of success. Furthermore, let’s make a conscious effort to encourage and amplify diverse voices in our community – diversity breeds creativity, innovation, and strength!


Ladies, it’s crystal clear that welcoming equality and diversity into our gundog training routines can bring about a world of positive change. This means valuing our crossbreeds just as much as our purebreds and celebrating the achievements of female trainers right alongside their male counterparts. It’s not just about being fair or politically correct – it’s about realising the boundless potential of our beloved gundogs and ourselves as trainers. Let’s keep learning, let’s keep growing, and let’s continue to inspire each other to promote diverse perspectives. And above all, let’s cherish and celebrate our wonderful gundogs for the marvellous individuals they are.

Always remember, there’s no limit to what we can achieve when we value each dog for its unique capabilities and quirks. Until our next article, here’s wishing you and your dog many happy, fulfilling training sessions!

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Understanding and Preventing Resource Guarding in Dogs

Dogs are often protective of their belongings and loved ones. While this can be a cute trait, it can also lead to dangerous situations if left unchecked. Resource guarding is when a dog becomes possessive of objects or people and will act aggressively to protect them. In this podcast and blog written by LWDG Group Claire Denyer, we will discuss the signs of resource guarding, how to prevent it, and what to do if your dog starts exhibiting these behaviours.

Podcast Episode:

What Is Resource Guarding

Resource guarding is a natural behaviour in dogs that occurs when a dog perceives a threat to a valuable resource, such as food, toys, or even attention from its owner. While resource guarding can be seen as a negative behaviour, it is essential to understand that it is a perfectly natural way for dogs to protect themselves and their belongings.

When it comes to resource guarding, you need to remember that it is you, the owner, who provides resources to the dogs and as such, I find the easiest way to think about this issue is that I own and provide everything, and I am teaching my puppy to share.

Common Resources That A Dog May Guard:

While each dog is different, there are some common resources that dogs may guard. These include food, toys, and their owners, which are usually very highly valued resources. Dogs may also protect areas such as their beds or crates or specific locations such as the door to the house. In some cases, dogs may even guard inanimate objects such as a stick or a ball. While guarding is a natural behaviour for dogs, it can become problematic if a dog becomes overly possessive or aggressive.

I give my dogs something like an antler to chew on, and I will always put out more antlers than there are dogs to reduce the likelihood of the dog feeling resources are scarce. I also supervise the dogs to ensure they do not steal from one another.

Resource Guarding Territory

Another resource is territory, which can include your dog’s bed or blanket; if your dog is allowed access, it can also include sofas or beds. My dogs are allowed on the sofa, but this is under strict rules and clear boundaries. Dogs are invited up, and they must get down when asked. If any of my dogs displayed any signs of self-entitlement to the sofa, they would lose the privilege.

Resources could also include things like your dog’s toys. I use toys to interact and play with my dogs, but I am very aware that having more than one dog out can get competitive, especially if the dogs get over-aroused. If you are confident in your leadership skills and none of the dogs has resource guarding tendencies, then with careful management, you can play with more than one dog at a time. If one dog shows signs of resource guarding toys, it’s a good idea to play with one at a time. I would also recommend getting professional help as resource guarding is something John deals with a lot in his canine behaviour work.

Small terrier resource guarding bed on sofa

Resource Guarding Your Attention

One resource that may not spring to mind immediately is attention. More specifically, your attention, especially with dogs who display attention-seeking behaviours or highly value sitting on your lap. Some dogs see their owner as a resource.

If you already have one dog in your household that tends to resource guard, then there’s an issue which needs addressing. Bringing another dog into the mix certainly won’t help, and you must consider getting professional help.

Dog To Dog Behaviour

As any dog owner knows, dogs are social creatures that love interacting with other dogs. However, not all dog-to-dog interactions are positive. Some dogs can be quite aggressive towards other dogs, causing fights and even injuries.

While most dog fights are simply a case of two dogs playing too rough, there are some cases where aggression is motivated by fear or territoriality. Therefore, it’s important for dog owners to be aware of the potential for aggression and take steps to prevent it.

The best way to do this is to socialize your dog from an early age, exposing them to different types of Dogs in various situations so they learn how to behave around other dogs. This will help them become confident and well-adjusted dogs that are less likely to act aggressively towards other dogs.

Dog-to-dog behaviour is absolutely fascinating to observe but can be quite terrifying with resource guarding behaviour, seeing a seemingly cute dog behave aggressively when resource guarding is quite an eye-opener and quite upsetting for the owner.

Inter dog issues, including aggression, are generally more common in dogs of the same sex; litter sisters tend to be the worst combination. However, it’s also worth knowing that the early social experiences a young dog receives can also affect a dog as it gets older. For example, if a puppy has had to compete for its food in the litter or has been bullied, it may negatively affect the young dog’s behaviour as it matures.

What should I do if my dog is resource guarding?

If your dog is resource guarding, you can do a few things to help. First, it’s important to understand resource guarding and why your dog may be doing it. This behaviour is usually rooted in insecurity or anxiety, and it can be triggered by anything that causes your dog to feel threatened or uncomfortable.

If you are concerned about your dog’s guarding behaviour, it is essential to consult with a qualified trainer or behaviourist. Most dogs can learn to share their resources with proper management and training without becoming overly protective. With patience and consistency, you can help your dog overcome resource guarding and build a happy, healthy relationship with their family.

LWDG Summertime Series:Heatstroke in Dogs: How to Treat and Prevent It

Summertime is a great time to get outside and enjoy the weather, but it’s also important to be aware of the dangers that hot weather can pose to our furry friends. Dogs are particularly susceptible to heatstroke, which can be fatal if not treated quickly. In this blog post, we will discuss the symptoms of heatstroke in dogs, how to treat it, and how to prevent it from happening in the first place.

What is heatstroke?

Dogs suffer from heatstroke when their bodies are unable to regulate their internal temperature. This can happen when they are exposed to high temperatures, or when they are overexerting themselves and producing too much heat.

Dogs are especially vulnerable to heatstroke. They do not sweat as humans do. Instead, they pant to release heat from their bodies. They also release heat through their paws. However both these methods of cooling are not very effective, and dogs can quickly overheat. If a dog’s body temperature rises to 104 degrees Fahrenheit, it will suffer from heatstroke.

Dogs with short snouts such as pugs and bulldogs are more susceptible to heatstroke because they can’t Pant as effectively. Flat-faced breeds also tend to have narrower windpipes which make it harder for them to take in air. Overweight dogs and senior dogs are also at a higher risk because they don’t adjust to heat as well as younger, healthier dogs.

Symptoms of heatstroke in dogs

Symptoms of heatstroke in dogs include:

  • excessive panting
  • increased body temperature
  • glazed eyes
  • increased heart rate
  • drooling
  • weakness
  • muscle tremors
  • seizures
  • collapse

Heatstroke is a serious condition that can be fatal if not treated promptly. By being aware of the symptoms and taking quick action, you can help keep your dog safe during the hot summer months.

griffon dog keeping cool by wetting fur

How to treat heatstroke in dogs

If not treated promptly, heatstroke can lead to organ damage and even death. If you suspect that your dog is suffering from heatstroke, it is important to take immediate action.

If you see any of the symptoms in your dog, it is important to act quickly. Move them to a cool area, such as shade or indoors, and apply cool water to their body. Do not use ice water, as this can cause further stress to their body.

If possible, take their temperature rectally with a digital thermometer. You should continue cooling your dog until their body temperature reaches 103°F (39.4°C).

Once their temperature has been reduced, take them to the vet as soon as possible for further treatment.

How can you prevent your dog from getting heatstroke in the first place?

One of the best ways to prevent your dog from getting heat stroke is to keep them well hydrated. Ensure they have a constant supply of fresh water. You can also offer cool snacks such as cucumber or carrots, which will help to keep them hydrated.

Dogs also sweat through their paws, so it’s important to make sure they are not walking on hot surfaces at all times, especially when it’s summertime.

Stick to shorter walks or play sessions, in the very early morning or late at night, and make sure they have plenty of time to rest in the shade throughout the day.

Put out a paddling pool for them to cool down in, and keep a spray bottle of water handy to give them a cooling spritz when needed.

Encourage the family to leave the dog to rest quietly. Dogs will happily get involved in what we are doing and will play to the point of collapse.

Lastly, never leave your dog alone in a parked car, as the temperature inside can rise quickly and become dangerous. Avoid long car journeys if possible.

By following these simple tips, you can help keep your furry friend safe and cool in the summer months.

Prevent your dog from getting sunburn

Dogs can get sunburn. In fact, they are just as susceptible to the harmful effects of UV radiation as humans. Dog owners should take care to keep their pets out of direct sunlight during the peak hours of the day, and they should also consider applying sunscreen to exposed areas of the body.

Be sure to use a sunscreen that is specifically designed for dogs, as some human sunscreens can be toxic to animals.

If your dog does happen to get sunburned, look for signs of discomfort such as excessive licking or biting at the affected area. You can also apply a cool compress to help soothe the skin. If the sunburn is severe, or if your dog shows signs of distress, it’s important to seek veterinary care immediately.


LWDG Summertime Series: Keeping your dog safe during the summertime months

The summertime months are a great time to get outside and enjoy the warm weather with your dog. However, it’s important to take some precautions to keep your furry friend safe. Heatstroke (article here) , is a real danger for dogs, so be sure to provide plenty of water and shade when you’re out and about. You should also be careful of sunburn, especially on short-haired breeds. We also have an older post here Stopping Your Restless Working Dog From Overheating

If you’re hiking or walking in long grass, be on the lookout for grass seeds (article on this here), which can cause irritation and even infection. And finally, be aware that adder bites are more common in the summer months (article on this here), If you suspect your dog has been bitten, seek medical attention immediately. By taking some simple steps, you can help ensure that your dog enjoys a safe and fun summer.

LWDG Summer Series: The Danger of Adder Bites and How to Prevent Them

Snakes are a common danger to dogs, as they often like to sun themselves in warm, open areas where dogs are likely to be. Adders are the only venomous snake in the UK, and their bites can be fatal to dogs. The good news is that adder bites are rare, but it is still essential to be aware of their dangers. This blog post will discuss the dangers of adder bites and how you can protect your dog from them.

Adders in the UK

Adders are the only venomous snake species native to the United Kingdom, and they are relatively small, averaging around 50cm in length. They are generally a brown or grey colour, with dark zigzag markings running down their backs. Adders typically live in woodlands or heaths and prefer areas with lots of cover, such as long grass or thick undergrowth.

Females give birth to live young (up to 20 at a time), and the young snakes are independent from birth. Adders are carnivorous, feeding mainly on small mammals such as rodents, but they will also eat reptiles, amphibians, birds, and invertebrates.

Unlike some other snake species, adders are not aggressive and will only bite if they feel threatened. Adders are venomous, but their bite is usually not fatal to humans. However, it can still be painful, so it’s important to be careful if you come across one.

What Does An Adder Look Like

The adder is a relatively small snake, less than a metre in length. It is typically brown or grey in colour, with a black zigzag pattern running down its back. It has a distinctive V on the top of its head.

Signs Of An Adder Bite

If you think an adder has bitten your dog, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Look for the following possible signs and symptoms:

  • swelling at the site of the bite, which can be slight or severe
  • panicked/ nervous
  • panting/drooling
  • make painful noises (such as yelping or whining)
  • abnormal bleeding
  • bruising
  • lameness and/or paralysis
  • difficulty breathing/collapse

While adder bites are not usually fatal to dogs, they can cause great pain and suffering. With prompt medical treatment, however, most dogs make a full recovery.

What should I do if an Adder bites my dog?

Adders are venomous, but their bite is usually not fatal to humans. However, dogs can be killed by their bite. If an adder bites your dog, it is essential to seek veterinary attention immediately. Snakebites should always be treated as an emergency

The sooner you can get your dog to the vet, the better their chances of survival. Whilst you may believe you can just administer an antihistamine, you cannot administer anti-venom, and your dog may need it. Only your vet will have access to this, so don’t waste time.

Adders are quick to strike, and their venom is very potent, so it is vital to act fast if you suspect your dog has been bitten. In the meantime, there are a few things you can do to help your dog.

  1. Carry your dog to reduce the spread of the adder’s venom around your dog’s body. Stillness saves lives. If you can, try to take your dog to the car. If their weight is too much to carry, ask someone for help.
  2. If you have an instant ice pack, apply it to the swollen area. This will help to control the swelling and slow down the venom spreading. If possible, gently wash the wound in cold water. Do not apply any bandages or try to tourniquet the area.
  3. Keep your dog comfortable and quiet as you transport him to the vet. They may be in shock. As you transport your dog, if possible, call your vet and inform them you are coming in with a possible snake bite.
  4. Finally, don’t attempt any first aid as this can do more harm than good. Instead, following these simple steps can help ensure that your dog gets the treatment he needs as quickly as possible.

Carrying An Antihisamine

One of the most common treatments for adder bites is the administration of chlorphenamine tablets, which can be purchased at most pharmacies. In addition, Chlorphenamine can be found in Piriton Allergy Tablets.

It is important to note that these tablets should only be given to your dog if specifically instructed to do so by a vet, as they can cause side effects such as drowsiness and vomiting. However, if used correctly, they can help reduce swelling and pain at the bite site.

When allergic reactions occur, the body releases histamines. Chlorphenamine works by blocking the action of histamines, which reduces the symptoms of an allergic reaction. When calling your vet, ask whether they would like you to administer these tablets to your dog. Following your vet’s recommendations can help ensure your dog receives the best care possible.

You can also carry these as shown here:

Size Matters

It is common knowledge that different-sized animals react differently to various stimuli; this also rings true when considering the difference in reaction between small and large dogs to an adder bite. A small dog’s blood vessels are narrower than those of a larger dog, meaning that the venom has less space to disperse and cause damage, and therefore the effects of an adder bite are usually far more significant on a small dog than on a large dog.

Another factor to consider is that a small dog’s circulation system is much more rapid than a large dog’s, so the venom circulates much faster and causes greater tissue damage. In short, an adder bite is usually far more dangerous to a small dog than a large dog. Therefore, we need to watch out for all our dogs and be extra vigilant when it comes to smaller breeds.

Preventing Your Dog From An Adder Bite

You can do a few things to prevent your dog from being bitten by an adder. First, keep your dog on a leash when hiking or walking in areas where snakes are known to live, especially in the summer months and when the grass is long or the ground is warm for them to bask. This will help ensure your dog does not come into contact with a snake.

Second, if you are training or leave off-leash in areas, choose areas that are busy with very little grass coverage. Adders are shy creatures and tend to avoid areas of high noise. Walk the field/area first with your dog on a leash, maybe doing some heelwork and whistling. Making noise can scare away any you cannot see.

For further increased protection, you can add a small collar bell to your dog’s collar, making noise as they move about, which will also encourage the adder to move away. Do not encourage your dog to enter brash for retrieves. Make sure you have trained a strong ‘leave-it’ command. If you see a snake, make sure to keep your dog away from it.

Lastly, Check out the National Biodiversity Network Map. The distribution of Adder population throughout the UK varies greatly, which can indicate populations in your area.

LWDG Summertime Series: Keeping your dog safe during the summertime months

The summertime months are a great time to get outside and enjoy the warm weather with your dog. However, it’s important to take some precautions to keep your furry friend safe. Heatstroke (article here) , is a real danger for dogs, so be sure to provide plenty of water and shade when you’re out and about. You should also be careful of sunburn, especially on short-haired breeds. We also have an older post here Stopping Your Restless Working Dog From Overheating

If you’re hiking or walking in long grass, be on the lookout for grass seeds (article on this here), which can cause irritation and even infection. And finally, be aware that adder bites are more common in the summer months (article on this here), If you suspect your dog has been bitten, seek medical attention immediately. By taking some simple steps, you can help ensure that your dog enjoys a safe and fun summer.

4 Solutions To Your Sit Before Lead Removal Problems


Leanne Smith runs Dogs R Dogs, based in Devon. She specialises in Gundog Training using modern, science-based methods.

Solutions To Your Sit Before Lead Removal Problems

One of the reasons that I enjoy dog training is all the curve balls that my dogs throw in my path.  It keeps me on my toes and always looking at the basic principles and trying to find an application that suits each dog in each situation.

My sit training problem…

My youngster, Ragnar, can’t sit before he has his lead taken off at the beginning of a walk or somewhere that he thinks that he will be able to run.

Ragnar’s issue is he becomes too focused on anticipating freedom and loses the ability to function cognitively, thus he is unable to offer to sit or even respond to a sit cue.

Solution 1

For the past 2 years, I have not bothered about this as Ragnar is steady and will wait in a stand until his lead is removed and he is given permission to go.


Ragnar has been practising self-control and waiting for permission to self-reward with running.  However, it has not addressed the fact that he is not cognitive during anticipation of running.  In the short term this has been acceptable because I have had many other things to work on and he was safe, and reliably waited to be released.  It didn’t address the issue directly by it was a good workaround until I had time to address the issue directly.

Solution 2

When I decided to address this, the first thing that I tried was just waiting for him out.  However, it was regularly 5-10 mins before he could offer to sit.


All of us become bored and frustrated with standing around, plus sometimes I didn’t have that long to wait.  After trying this consistently for a couple of weeks with no consistent improvement I realised that I needed to try something different.

Solution 3

The next thing that I tried was rewarding him with food when he gave me eye contact and then luring him into a sit with a second treat.


Unless the treat was very high value, Ragnar could take it or leave it.  Even with high-value food he sometimes couldn’t focus and sit.  Again, no real consistent progress.

Solution 4

What I finally found that helps him is to wait for him to choose to look at me which he can do quite early on, praise him, stroke him and engage with him and this seems to help him come back to being cognitive and then he can sit quite quickly.  I am then releasing him straight away.


The time taken to sit is now consistently reducing.  This just highlights how important it is to find out what your dog finds reinforcing in each situation.  All of my other dogs would have moved away from me if I tried to stroke them in this situation, they wanted food or release.

Dogs basically do what works for them

So when we are faced with a situation where we would like to modify our dog’s response, we need to find what works for them.

In scientific terms, a reinforcer is something which increases the likelihood of a behaviour happening.  So, for Ragnar, in this situation a food reward was not a reinforcer as the behaviour that I wanted – Sit was not increasing.  Therefore, I needed to find something that was reinforced in that circumstance – physical interaction with me.

Erik, my older dog, in the exact same circumstance offers to sit immediately and is rewarded with food, for him food is a reinforcer.

Every dog is an individual and as handlers, we need to be aware of this and be creative when our standard rewards are not a reinforcer in any given situation.

The Use Of A Broom!

I have a creative client who had a very reluctant retriever, the only thing that he used to get excited about was chasing the long handle sweeping broom at home.  My client made this into a game and brought her sweeping broom to lessons.  The dog very quickly learned to love retrieving because it earned him a chance to play with the sweeping broom.  Once there was value in retrieving, my client was able to change to more usual rewards.  Had my client not been willing to make the effort to use the sweeping broom, then I’m sure that dog would still be indifferent to retrieving.

If you are struggling to motivate your dog in a certain circumstance, don’t be afraid to think out of the box.  Look at what your dog loves to do and will put a lot of effort into; then, look at ways to be able to use that ‘thing’ to reinforce the behaviour that you want to happen.  Learn to observe what brings joy to your dog, and use it in your training

You may also like Leanne’s books:

LWDG Summertime Series: Dealing With Dreaded Grass Seeds Through Summer

Grass Seeds are the tiny enemy we all dread throughout the summer months.

Most grass seeds seem to find their way between our dog’s toes, into their ears, sometimes in their eyes, and into their nose or mouth too. In fact, any part of their body is at risk of puncturing.

Dogs love to run through long grass, so it’s important to check them for grass seeds every time. Once a grass seed finds its way into your dog’s body, they are far harder to find. A grass seed won’t normally show up on x-rays and can travel far throughout the dog causing inflammation, infection and abscesses.

Grass Seed can travel as far as your dog’s lungs and depending on the distance travelled, they may require a CT scan to locate. Due to how quickly it travels, a suspected grass seed problem should be seen by your vet.

Grass Seeds: What To Look Out For:

  • Warning signs to watch out for on feet include paw licking, especially after a walk. You may also see a red raised ‘boil’ that the dog has been licking for a day or two.
  • Warning signs to watch out for with ears includes the sudden onset of head shaking. Due to their ear shape, spaniel breeds and crosses are the most commonly affected breeds, however, grass seeds can get into any dog’s ears.
  •  Other symptoms to look out for include swelling in an area, sometimes accompanied by puss. You could also possibly see a puncture wound or something as simple as your dog is off its food.

How Fast Does A Grass Seed Go Into Your Dog And Travel?

Once a grass seed is under the skin, it’s possible for it to start migrating around the body, at which point they often cause problems and prove difficult to find. Watch this video by Banbury Vet Clinic to see how quickly a seed can find its way into your dog’s body.

Seeds To Look Out For

Many seeds can cause problems, but one seed to definitely look out for is the Foxtail. Similar looking to wheat, Meadow foxtail occurs throughout the UK. It is most abundant in low-lying areas, river valleys, wetlands or in old meadows on moist soils.

When dogs encounter the seed-heads, their barbs cause them to become irreversibly lodged and will penetrate just about anywhere.

How To Minimise Grass Seed Concerns

  • Regular brushing is incredibly important, especially with long-coated or curly-coated dogs.
  • Keep dog’s paws and ear hair trimmed regularly so that the seeds don’t have as much to attach to.
  • Make sure to feel between your dog’s paw pads for caught seeds. If you don’t feel confident trimming your dog, ask a groomer to do this for you.
  • A flea comb works quite well for getting the seeds out close to the skin, and any thorns in the winter after working.
  • Make sure to groom their entire body, and check-in any of their skin folds,  their belly and limb joints.

LWDG Summertime Series: Keeping your dog safe during the summertime months

The summertime months are a great time to get outside and enjoy the warm weather with your dog. However, it’s important to take some precautions to keep your furry friend safe. Heatstroke (article here) , is a real danger for dogs, so be sure to provide plenty of water and shade when you’re out and about. You should also be careful of sunburn, especially on short-haired breeds. We also have an older post here Stopping Your Restless Working Dog From Overheating

If you’re hiking or walking in long grass, be on the lookout for grass seeds (article on this here), which can cause irritation and even infection. And finally, be aware that adder bites are more common in the summer months (article on this here), If you suspect your dog has been bitten, seek medical attention immediately. By taking some simple steps, you can help ensure that your dog enjoys a safe and fun summer.

Want to add to this article? Let us know in the comments below about how grass seeds have affected your dog and any advice you have for readers.

How To Limit Food Waste & Improve Sustainable Pheasant Consumption

While some people may see the pheasant as nothing more than a game animal, it is important to remember that every creature has a role to play in the food chain. This means that when we play a role in the killing of a pheasant, we have a responsibility to ensure that all parts of the bird are used and consumed. Pheasant consumption is key to the future of our sport.

There are many ways to make use of a pheasant. The meat can be eaten by humans or dogs, the feathers can be used for fly fishing, and even the bones can be used to make stock. Nothing should go to waste! Not only is it important to respect the animal by using all of its parts, but it is also important from a practical standpoint. Wasting food is simply not an option, especially when there are so many people and animals that go hungry every day.

In this podcast, we talk to Amy Lowe about how Hoddy’s Premium Dog Food use pheasant carcass in their dog food to ensure more of each bird is used.

The history of pheasant consumption

Pheasants have been consumed since ancient times. The first recorded consumption of pheasants dates back to the Han Dynasty in China. Pheasants were considered a delicacy and were often reserved for the elite class. In medieval Europe, the pheasant was a popular game bird among the nobility. It was often served roasted with onions and garlic.

Today, the pheasant is still considered a delicacy in many parts of the world and is increasing in popularity. The pheasant is a popular choice for game birds because of its light, delicate flavour. When cooked properly, pheasant can be a delicious and healthy addition to any meal. The breast is mostly consumed, leaving the legs and carcass.

Pheasant Consumption – Sustainable Food in Today’s World

The pheasant is a popular game bird that is prized for its meat. However, the bird can also be used to produce a number of other products, including feathers, bones, and even eggs. By using all parts of the pheasant, we can help to ensure the sustainability of this important species.

The feathers of the pheasant can be used for a variety of purposes, including fly-fishing lures and dressmaking. The bones can be used to make knife handles or jewellery, while the eggs can be used for culinary purposes or as bait for fishing. By utilising all parts of the pheasant, we can help to reduce waste and ensure that this species remains abundant for generations to come.

chocolate poodle carrying dead hen bird > Pheasant consumption is critical to ensure shooting continues.

How Hoddy’s Dog Food uses pheasant carcasses in their dog food

Pheasant carcasses are a valuable source of protein and essential nutrients for working dogs. They are also a good source of energy and help to maintain a healthy digestive system. Dog food that contains pheasant carcasses is nutritious and supports the health of working dogs. It is also an environmentally friendly way to dispose of pheasant carcasses.

Hoddy’s was founded in 2019 by Mark Hodson, a lifelong and passionate countryman. Not content with persuading us to eat more game through his magazine, Mark decided it was time our canine friends also ate a little more game. And so Hoddy’s was born. The idea was simple – create a 100% natural dog food using wild game, which might otherwise go to waste.

Hoddy’s plays an important role in supporting the consumption of pheasant carcasses and helping to reduce waste. By buying dog food that contains pheasant carcasses, you are supporting both the dog food industry, and the shooting industry, whilst helping to provide quality nutrition for working dogs.

How You Can Play Your Part In Pheasant Consumption Sustainability

Pheasant hunting is a popular pastime in many parts of the world, and those who are lucky enough to take down a bird often want to know what to do with the meat. Many people only use breast meat, but there are actually many different cuts that can be taken from a pheasant. For those looking to make the most of their kill, here are some tips on how to use all parts of the pheasant.

The breasts are the most popular cut of meat from a pheasant, and they can be cooked in a variety of ways. They can be roasted, grilled, or even made into pate. The legs and thighs are also good for roasting or grilling, and the dark meat can be used to make hearty stews or soups. The skin can also be used to make crispy cracklings or fried chicken. Finally, the bones can be used to make stock for soups or sauces.

So next time you go pheasant hunting, remember that there is more to the bird than just the breast meat. By taking advantage of all parts of the pheasant, you can create delicious dishes that will feed your whole family.

Hoddy’s Website can be found here

A dog sitting by a bag of Hoddys dog food. Hoddys use left over carcasses to ensure pheasant consumption is sustainable.

Dog Training Tips: How to Train Your Dog to Retrieve from Water

Teaching your dog how to retrieve from water can be a fun and valuable skill. It is great for hunting, but training your dog this skill can also help keep them safe if they ever fall into a body of water. This blog post by LWDG Group Expert Claire Denyer will discuss the basics of training your dog to retrieve from water. Claire will cover everything from choosing the right location to start training to ensure that your dog stays safe while in the water. Let’s get started!

As the weather is warming up, here is some beneficial advice and tips in the case on the warmer days you decide to have a go at water retrieves.

Before Practising Water Retrieves

Firstly, spend time getting your dog used to water without any retrieving involved; this will help build up their confidence in swimming.

Make sure you can control your dog on and around the water. If your dog is over-excited about the water, we would recommend doing obedience and basic gundog work near the water. Ensure you can recall your dog from water with and without a retrieve.

It’s a good idea to start your water training journey on warm days, so your dog has a positive experience and doesn’t get cold.

On cooler days, ensure your dog is nicely warmed up before water retrieving by doing a couple of land retrieves, do a land retrieve between water retrieves and dry your dog off thoroughly or use a drying coat once they have finished.

Retrieving On Land Before Water

If you want to compete at working tests or even work your dog on the field, don’t start water retrieving until your dog consistently delivers the dummy to hand on the land, as your dog is more likely to spit the dummy to shake on exiting the water.

When you introduce formal water retrieving, start by dropping the dummy just into the water’s edge and walking away (a memory retrieve). You don’t want a young or novice dog going in deep straight away; just a toe-dip to pick up the retrieve the dummy is ideal to start.

This will help prevent any concerns about entering the water and help to prevent delivery issues.

Gradually pop the dummy in a little further, but do this slowly.

For example, do a few retrieves, so the dog is only as deep as the knees, working up the legs. This will build his confidence and prevent any bad experiences or feelings of getting cold, which can put the dog off and cause spitting the dummy to shake!

Also, when water training on a cooler day, make sure your dog is well warmed up, and keep them warm by alternating water retrieve followed by a dry retrieve! This will cause a massive difference in how the dog feels as it will keep them warm and motivated and less likely to spit the dummy to shake as they exit the water.

Distances In Water Retrieving

There are different areas of distance to build on

1)Distance of the retrieve in water

2)Distance of the delivery from water

3)Distance crossing water

Work on these independently and once you have the desired distance on both, start putting them together, being sure to build together gradually to give your dog confidence.

Every dog responds differently to working in water. Still, something we know is that bad starts or first experiences can create unwanted problems which are difficult to remedy when your dog is in the water or at a distance.

Depending on the dog, there are a couple of ways to get a really lovely delivery from water. The most common reason a dog will drop the dummy to shake is that it is either inexperienced or has had a bad experience (like feeling cold) during the return from water to deliver the dummy. This can be avoided by careful introductions, alternating the water retrieve with a dry retrieve, and keeping the dog warm.

In a nutshell, these are the two most effective ways:

1) Find shallow water and go in with the dog

3) Take the dummy from the dog (close to the edge of the water), and let the dog shake (mark with a cue – shake). Give the dummy back to the dog, walk backwards, encouraging the dog to follow and take the dummy again; the dog will most probably shake again (most dogs shake 2 or 3 times). You can repeat this exercise, and it teaches the dog to shake after the delivery.

Increase the dog’s energy as it comes out of the water; you will need to give lots of extra encouragement and create high energy to keep the dog focused on returning the dummy and prevent the dog from thinking about shaking. This could be clapping or your recall whistle.

Keep this up until the dog reaches you, take the dummy from the dog, let the dog shake (and mark with a cue – shake), then give the dummy back to the dog, walk backwards, encouraging the dog to follow and take the dummy again, the dog will most probably shake again (most dogs shake 2 or 3 times) you can repeat this exercise, it teaches the dog to jerk after the delivery.

Final Thoughts

Once distance and delivery are consistently achieved, we can start to make the retrieve formal and working test worthy with quieter handling.

As your dog becomes more experienced, you can increase the distance of the retrieve in water and work on crossing water. Remember to keep up the encouragement and positivity, especially when your dog starts out! With practice and patience, your dog will be retrieving like a pro in no time. Good luck!