The LWDG Hot Mess Handler Course
Skorts have become a popular piece of clothing for women who participate in various outdoor activities such as tennis, golf, and hiking for quite a while, and there’s no reason…
Dressing appropriately is one of the most important things you can do to stay safe when walking in cold weather. But what’s the best way to do this? In this…
If you’re an outdoor enthusiast, then you know the importance of having quality gear. Not only does good gear make your time outdoors more enjoyable, but it can also be…
Happy Hotdogs recently sent 6 ladies from The Ladies Working Dog Group their Light Pinewood Training Vest for us to put them through their paces and see if they are worth the money…
They’re finally here! LWDG have collaborated with On The Peg to bring you exclusive Lady Harris Shooting Socks and Wrist Warmers! Both items are available in two colours- Bilberry…
Have you ever wondered how to turn a pheasant’s feathers into something you can keep? Our lovely member Sophie shows us how….. To Make A Traditional Brooch You Will Need:…
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